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Is The Tenjiku Arc Actually Tokyo Revengers' Worst Arc?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 months ago

I was pretty hyped for the third season of Tokyo Revengers. I’ve heard so many people rave about the Tenjiku Arc and how it was the best arc of the series. I enjoyed the first two arcs, and the third arc, even though it had its flaws, it was still enjoyable. But the Tenjiku Arc was a complete mess from start to finish. People say it’s the best arc, but I think it’s the worst. Obvious spoilers ahead.

Firstly, the weird gay plot line. I’m sure these two characters aren’t gay, but like, my boy Koko kissed his friend Inui, why? Oh because he looks just like his dead sister that Koko had a crush on.

It’s so fucking stupid and kind of make no sense to me. Like, it feels like something they just added into the story to have something shocking. Almost like how my boy Angry, unnecessarily had a power up like he was going nine tail fox mode.

He just went Super Saiyan Blue x100.

I started this series in the beginning because I thought the power scaling was more so about who was stronger, or who brought the bigger bat. Not, who can power up over 9000 more than the other.

Now let’s get to motivation. Izana is such a stupid villain. Learning that the kid actually had a pretty okay upbringing, with having an older brother that actually cared about him and wanted the best for him. But, after talking to his already shitty mom and learning that they’re not related by blood, which means his older brother isn’t actually his blood brother and getting mad and hating him. But it’s not like the older brother cared that they weren’t related, he still loved him. But no, that’s not enough for Izana, he still had to become a psycho, I hate my family killer.

Don't smile like you were written good.

And finally, we get Kisaki's whole motivation…he’s just a big simp. He kills Hina, over, and over again, because she rejected his marriage proposal. And it’s not like these two had a big connection or anything. It was a simple one sided crush he had on this girl who barely talked to him when they were in elementary school. Like, everything is so stupid and over the top for no reason. But, at least Kisaki finally dies in this arc. So one good thing came from this arc.

A simp till the end.

And the thing is, some of this stuff might have hit right, if written in a better way. But I feel like the execution and build up to all these things was done poorly. If this was everyone's favorite arc, and it actually goes downhill from here like people have said, then I’m scared for the future. But, we might not even see a season 4, with how it just ended so abrup

What did you think of the Tenjiku Arc? Is Izana a stupid villain? Is Tokyo Revengers going down hill? Tell us in the comments.