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Is it Hard to Watch Romance Anime While Being Single?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

I had to come to terms with the fact that I might be lonely for the rest of my life, which is a fact. It’s not like I’ve given up hope on finding someone that’s out there for me, it’s just not a good time for me to seek out a relationship at the moment. It’s better for me to put the thoughts of being in a relationship in the back of my mind and go on about my life as the single guy that I am.  But, when I watch me a great heartwarming and loving romance anime like Wotaku, that thought of me not being in a relationship starts creeping back up from the back of my thoughts, and I hate it!

We watch romance animes for those good heart touching moments and to see two of our favorite characters be a couple and spend a happy life together. Are at least, that’s what they’re supposed to be for. For someone who is single, romance anime can be a torture to sit through. It reminds you of what you don’t have, someone their beside you to hold you and love you. It make your life seem so boring and lifeless compared to your anime counterparts. Sure, a relationship is not always going to be sunshines and rainbows, of course you’ll see all of the bad times that they experience during their relationship, but, the good times always out way the bad.

Wotaku is a perfect example of a show that’s hard to watch when you’re single. Hell, it’s hard to watch this show if you don’t have any friends at all. The main character Nifuji (blue hair), Momose (pink hair), Kabakura (orange hair), and Koyanagi (green hair), have such great chemistry together.The four more main characters are all otakus in their own right, which make the relatability for the viewers ten times more. The more you spend your time watch this show, the more you’ll be wishing that your life could be like them. A group of friends that work together and play together, now that’s the american dream!

They even make conflict look like fun!

In the end, maybe romance shows like this are a good thing. Maybe shows like this are what will finally make us lonely otaku boys and girls get up off our asses and finally go talk to that girl or guy, that we’ve always liked. Hey if Nifuji could do it then so can you!

Wait?! Of course he can fucking do it! He's fucking hot!

Are you watching Wotaku? Is it hard for you to watch romance anime while single? Are you going to ask that special someone out finally? Tell us in the comments below.