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Is Blackluster Racist Towards Black People?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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No, he is not. That’s the simple and quick of it. Now, is he a black stereotype? Yes, absolutely. Do you see those lips,beady eyes, and dark ass skin. But, with all that being said, that still doesn’t mean that Blackluster is a racist portrayal of black people.

Now I feel like I have to step in as a black man myself. Yes, I can see what people mean when they say that Blackluster resembles black face. And yes, I can see what people mean when they say that he is an over exaggeration of what a black person looks like. But all that together doesn’t make the existence of Blackluster racist. It’s the intent behind Blackluster.

I’m pretty damn sure that the author, ONE, wasn’t thinking, “Man, I want to draw a black character to make fun of how stupid and dumb black people are.” Now, that could have been his thought process, but I highly doubt it. I would rather believe that he thought, “Man! Those black people are funny and kooky. I want to make a funny black character.” Whatever the man though, I don’t believe he meant to be hateful with the creation of Blackluster. If it was hate behind his creation, then yes, he’s racist. But if anything, Blackluster was made out of pure ignorant of not completely knowing America’s history.

This man is just happy to be alive

And in the end of the day, Blackluster is a cool character. He’s strong, funny, and a joy to see on screen. If you’re truly racist, you wouldn’t make the character of the race you hate such a strong and cool person, now would you?

Markaintus 5 years ago
As an African American, I find Blackluster to be cool. He isn't so stereotypical to be a scrawny black guy who uses guns and talks in ghetto slang. He a really muscular guy with incredible strength and impenetrable skin. He's Japan's version of Luke Cage! They even paid him respect by making him a S Ranked hero, and one in the single digits I believe.
Eroforever 5 years ago
Another fine example of the loudest voices saying the dumbest things.
Anon - Klipr 5 years ago
Guess what, Japanese people don’t give a flying fuck about America’s history, except when it involved Americans doing things in, around, and to Japan.

Get over yourselves and realize that other countries have cultures and histories that don’t involve you.
Kasaix 5 years ago
I don't think it's racist. He's a buff bodybuilder who can take on monsters like a champ. Just like I don't think Puri Puri Prisoner is a slight the LGBT community. Both are fantastic characters. I know there was a thing with Mr. Popo looking like a racist caricature, and Mr. Popo is awesome.
jupmod 5 years ago
When I heard about this, I was rolling my eyes. Really? Racist? Just because he's black? It's the same stupid excuse I heard when someone said Darth Vader is racist for being 'black'. Oh, boy. The far-left is becoming stupider and stupider. Do they always see things as racist and/or sexist? They might as well say black holes are racist for being 'black'. (roll eyes)
Anon - Lolking 5 years ago
First they say people are rascist for not putting black people in anime, next they complain that they added one. So? What's really being rascist here? It's like saying King is rascist cause he shows that people with white skin are cowards and are play video games while not looking at the other characters. Next thing you know people will cry about how gorillas are shown being more human that humans
Anon - Vance 5 years ago
You become more of a disappointment with each stupid blog article, OP.
Anon - BigRedBeast 5 years ago
I think Blackluster is badass. Sure he's a little quirky and has a lot of pride in his physique, but as the author said he's not being used to portray Black people in a negative way. In the scene where after Blackluster saves the executives from the parasite monster with ease, he noticed that the executives were scared so he calmed them down the best way he knew how. That shows incite of a hero
Cryingfreeman 5 years ago
Every character in Anime is a gross overexageration of what a humans looks like.
It's just a bit more touchy when certain groups of people are the subject of this.
Anon - Justmy2cents 5 years ago
I strongly disagree. ONE"s intent doesn't matter; Blackluster's portrayal is a caricature of black people, simple as that. He's a slight step up from Mr. Popo, but that doesn't excuse this obviously racist depiction of a black person. Shame on you for claiming to speak for black people on this one.