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Audio Doujins: Enter the COCKtower
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Bloodborne is a dark and gritty game, but that doesn’t mean that it’s hentai has to be dark and gritty also. That also goes for the female characters in the game. For a creepy game, they really know how to make some sexy as fuck girls. What’s also great about Bloodborne’s female characters, is that they give all their girls different accents, so you guys are in for a treat. But now what’s great about this comic, is that it was created by NowaJoestar, which means, we get some great anal scenes! Maria, voiced by the lovely CountessR, and Eileen, voiced by the equally wonderful LewdHeart, both providing you with their wonderful accents. The Hunter and Gehrman was voiced by Kinky

 Lady Maria of the ASStral COCKtower

Maria voiced by CountessofRoses

Eileen voiced by LewdHeart

Hunter and Gehrman voiced by ImJustThatKinky

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What did you think of CountessR’s performance? What did you think of LewdHeart’s performance? Do you think Bloodborne has hot female characters? Tell us in the comments.