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Hate The Game Not Professor Garlick
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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If you haven’t heard about the huge controversy that’s been going on with Hogwarts Legacy, you either don’t care about games, or you’ve been living under a rock. It’s the newest and dumbest issue that people started harping on. Attacking and harassing streamers who dare stream the game, going as far as making a website that’s dedicated to finding these people and attacking them. Since people actually believe you hate trans people if you purchase the game. Just another issue that people are creating and causing for no reason. Luckily for me, I didn’t purchase the game or had any interest in the game in the first place. The only thing I have interest in is the hot Professor Garlick.

Now I know people are hating people for buying the game, but people won’t hate me for just liking one of the characters in the game right? Professor Garlick is a hot Herbology professor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which can be seen from her teacher-like attire. She gives off mad Ms. Frizzle vibes from Magic School Bus, with her teacher look and fiery red hair. When it comes to characters that people gravitated to and thought they’d look good naked, it seems like Garlick was everyone's first choice. Not sure if there’s any other hot female characters in the game, but it seems like she’s the one on everyone's radar.

I wish we could all just chill out and enjoy some good old Hogwart Legacy porn instead of getting all mad about people buying a game just to have fun with it.

Do you think Professor Garlick is hot? Do you think buying Hogwart Legacy means you hate trans people? Were you interested in playing or watching Hogwart Legacy? Tell us in the comments.

Void-Lord 2 years ago
I played Hogwarts Legacy and enjoyed it. I also avoid twitter, so it's a win-win for me.
---------------- 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
Controversy dumb, boycots haven't worked in decades, hate the artist not the art, game is the product of more than one person, etc. But regarding the redhead, I'd be happy to plant some seeds in that garden, make sure there's plenty of Garlick come the harvest.
Gennos 2 years ago
I own it on xbox series x. If this game is actually triggering that many soybrains, then I'll go ahead and buy it on PC as well. Why? Because - fuck them. That's why. All these faggots whining about this shit don't contribute to the economy anyway. Most of these people are welfare troglodytes whose only skill is hating everything (including themselves).
Anon - Anon 2 years ago
The games super fun.
Itasian 2 years ago
idk about the controversy mostly cause most of my new feeds are nsfw art or cat memes, seems like people found something silly to argue over again and put words and intent in mouth of others again

reminds me of how pokemon was seen as animal abuse, monster energy the work of the devil etc etc
Anon - SomeGuy 2 years ago
It's a weird coincidence Professor Garlick kind of looks like Nophica, the goddess of plant growth and the harvest in Final Fantasy 14. In fact said goddess' appearance was only revealed several months ago in a patch that expands Endwalker's story. Someone needs to make crossover fanart on good old Rule 34.
Anon - Look up Blood Libel 2 years ago
The game is antisemitic, not transphobic.
The creators of the game are anti-semitic.
The author of the series has actively stated that anyone that purchases anything she has creative rights to agrees with her transphobic takes and active funding of laws the are trying to erase trans folx.
R3qu13m 2 years ago
not interested in the game but some of that art looks nice.
Anon - Fart Harder 2 years ago
Let's get a few things straight here.

1. I don't hate trans people, I hate EVERYONE.

2. I predicted this game would be a shitshow the moment I saw the trailers. Still didn't buy or play the game, still wont because it's not a Hogwarts school simulator. Also the writing is pretty hammy.

3. No reason to hate on Hogwarts porn. Garlick deserves to be lewded.
tanakaba 2 years ago
The name Garlick hits that sweet spot between "dumb, for kids" and "horny likey" consumer demographics.