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GrisSwimsuit Is The Hot New Summer Wear
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Another tread, hot off the Twitter presses. The GrisSwimsuit is the next hot thing when it comes to summer wear, and it’s not even summer yet. GrisSwimsuit refers to a single-piece swimsuit where two parts covering the top and bottom are connected by a piece of see-through fabric across the midriff. The hashtag was launched by Twitter artist VERTIGRIS in early January 2022, promoting users on the site to draw their own Original Characters (OCs) wearing the swimsuit.

This is a really sexy swimsuit, don't get me wrong, but I’m still wondering what’s so appealing about it, and why so many people are hoping to draw their character in it. I feel like it’s because the artist has a huge following and some people can hop off of that. Like I said, the swimsuit is sexy and unique, but I can’t put my finger on what’s so hot about it. But, even though the artist wanted people to draw OCs in the swimsuit, you already know some artists had to draw more familiar faces rocking the new swimwear.

What do you think of the GrisSwimsuit? Why do you think it got so popular? Will they make a real GrisSwimsuit? Tell us in the comments.