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Godmother of Vtubers, Kizuna Ai, To Go On Indefinite Hiatus
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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For those who don’t keep up with Vtubers, Kizuna Ai is basically the one that popularized the medium and set the standard for the typical Japanese virtual idol that are constantly being produced today by Hololive and Nijisanji. While she no longer carries the influence that she once did simply because of the ever-crowding market, I still have to hold down some respect for the OG. Unfortunately her time as a Vtuber may or may not be coming to an end. Recently Ai announced that she will be going on an indefinite hiatus in February of 2022. While that sounds simple, there’s actually a few points to break down here.

The announcement revealed that her hiatus will take place after her upcoming online concert, Kizuna Ai The Last Live: hello, world 2022 which is scheduled for February 26, 2022. Okay I’m getting some mixed messages here. You see translations I’ve read state that the announcement also mentions further projects in the works for Kizuna Ai, yet meanwhile this shit is called “The Last Live” as in like damn is this the last concert she’ll ever do? Combined with the hiatus the name seems like a pretty definitive clue that she won’t be doing much after this. On the other hand her agency appears to have more content in the works based on translations of their announcement so perhaps this will merely be a long break after all. On the other OTHER hand the agency has run into problems in the past with debt, so this could be a move to buy time and strategize before the whole operation goes under. Whatever the case, the voice actress for Ai will be able to take an extended break for the first time in years. “Indefinite hiatus” is always a worrying choice of words in my experience, but assuming she comes back and resumes work on projects as the company has proclaimed, then she should come back well rested.

That title sounds more fitting for a final performance than a hiatus guys, but you do you.

From albums and concerts, promotional collaborations with companies, appearances at conventions, and general meme influence, Vtubers are no longer the weird, fresh things they were back in 2016. It’s crazy to imagine that they’ve evolved to the point where people are paying money to attend their virtual panels at conventions. If this hiatus turns out to be the last we hear of Ai, or at least the point of no return for her growth as a Vtuber, her legacy of formulating the Vtuber style and culture will be seen for years to come. Did you watch any of Kizuna Ai’s videos? Will this be the end of her career, or simply a hiatus as is stated? Where’s some more damn Vtuber doujins dammit? Practice your singing, interact with chat, and entertain the crowd in the comments below!

Oddest Ball 3 years ago
She mentioned wanting to get into NFTs, so it seems whoever's behind her might try to make a quick scammed buck with her face plastered all over them. So respect lost there.
7thManiac 3 years ago
It is sad for me to hear, I've followed her for years now.
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
And yet the damage will never be undone.
Chaos729 3 years ago
I can't wait for some dumbass with their GALAXY BRAIN take to explain how this is going to be the future and COMPLETLY REVOULTIONARY!!!!

"Guys, trust me'll be like Ready Player One! This is good for consumers, trust meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
ttutiki 3 years ago
Dam dudes are crazy over here
WM-R 3 years ago
I have to admit I was a bit shaken by the news (mainly because I still remember when Vtubers were basically her, the Eilene Family, Tokino Sora of hololive fame and Kaguya Luna). But even if she never wakes from her sleep, we still have things like her Tsugunohi game, her crossover appearances, that kind of thing. At least something of her will remain.