There's something I find fascinating about western games aimed at adult audiences from the early generations of video games, before hentai VNs and eroge caught on outside Japan. The 80s had crude pixel porn like Custer's Revenge, but the 90s gave way to whole world of games with lewd FMVs.
With the emergence of the CD, Full Motion Video became one of the hottest trends in video games, i.e. prerecorded live action or animated cutscenes that can be seen within the game. Some titles used FMVs alongside traditional gameplay to highlight the story. Others consisted entirely of choosing one scene after another. Plumbers Don't Wear Ties has only one FMV despite advertising itself as an FMV game. You see the hot blonde heroine Jane explaining the setup of the plot before the plot even begins. Then you're assaulted with the most confusing slideshow of images you'll ever see as you help Jane avoid getting molested at a job interview and eventually fall in love with the protagonist John, while a judgemental narrator fights with another narrator over who gets to tell the story. Does any of that make sense? I don't know if it's meant to.
At least it shows the fairly lengthy shower sequence shows the goods
Originally released for PC and 3DO in the early 90s, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties' bizarre metanarrative, questionable presentation, poor voice acting, horrendous music, sleazy plot and overall cheapness have earned it the reputation of one of the worst games of all time, if you could even call a narrated slideshow of strangely edited images a game. It's one of those that you need to see to truly believe, and fortunately, more than a few YouTubers have covered it in the past.
But if you'd rather experience this mindfuck yourself, then you're in luck! Limited Run Games are bringing this abomination to Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC for some reason at an undisclosed date, physically and digitally.
It might not've been the first game to sell itself on nudity and sexual imagery, but it was probably the first to use the promise of tits to trick horny gamers into buying an absolute shitpost of a game. God knows there are plenty of those these days.
Are you guys familiar with Plumbers Don't Wear Ties? Would you want to check it for yourself? Let us know in the comments!