I thought I was done with the Pokemon Sword and Shield waifus, I really did, but damn they have so many winners. This time around, we’re not talking about any of the main girls. Nah, we’re giving an NPC character the spotlight today. They’re are a few to choose from, and all of them have their strengths, but none of them have the strength like this one does. Literally. The Female Worker NPC is catching people's eyes with her tone and strong muscles, but surprising cute face. This is def a Mr. Obvious kind of girl.
The last Pokemon NPC character to get this much love was Hex Maniac. She’s that spooky weird kind of hot. She became so popular that people had to make doujins of her.
Do you think the Female Worker NPC is hot? Who’s hotter, Hex Maniac, or Female Worker? Will Female Worker get her own doujins? Tell us in the comments.
Yuck, do not want.