Help us fight spam! Will Cease English Translations And Audio Doujins
By WakeUpSnooze β€’ 3 years ago
β€’  12663  β€’   5 β€’ 36

Thank you all for coming. My name is Snooze, or as I prefer, γ‚ΉγƒŒγƒΌγ‚Ί-さん. Here at we strive to find ways to keep improving the site and set ourselves apart from our competitors. Now I’m going to go ahead and say that some people will likely criticize the following announcement. I don’t blame them. Our vision is complex and at times it may seem like we work in mysterious ways over here. Allow me to explain why we’ve decided to make the crucial decision to stop releasing English content. 

It goes without saying that just about everyone on the staff team holds some appreciation for anime, doujins, and in general Japanese culture. Why else would we be working here? Over the years as we got deeper into these topics, we had a stark realization. Japan is a perfect country with no faults, and by proxy that extends into Japanese. Don’t get me wrong, our translators are experienced and hard working, but sadly there are times where a simple language like English can’t possibly capture the original meaning of the work. For example the following word β€œδ½•β€ or β€œnani” can roughly be translated to β€œwhat”, but only roughly. You can only really understand what β€œnani” means if you immerse yourself in the culture by moving to Japan and learning its rich history yourself. Is the big picture coming together? You’re losing a LOT of meaning by merely translating one word, so imagine how much you understand of a regular doujin after it’s been brutally reduced to English. By switching to uploading the original scans only, our visitors are going to be able to experience and read TRUE authentic doujinshi. I hope you’re excited.

See what happens when you translate? No more of this colonization garbage.

But Snooze! What about the audio doujins!?! Good point. We had a round table discussion to figure out our next move there. At first we were considering changing audio doujins to be voiced by real Japanese people. We were damn close to picking up the phone and dialing some numbers when I stumbled across an eye opening revelation: Reginald Fessenden and Walt Disney are credited with inventing and popularizing the art of voice over/voice acting back in the early 1900’s. That means that voice acting in itself is a Western medium and we don’t think it could really capture the true essence of Japanese acting. Thus we’ve decided to axe audio doujins altogether and explore options that are more faithful to Nihon (sorry, my Japanese slips out sometimes xD that means Japan). 

Before I go, I want to make one more point. Now that we’ll only be uploading Japanese content, that means we don’t have to spend time translating anything anymore. With the extra time, the team plans to devote ourselves to a higher purpose: studying The Blade. So far none of us has a big tiddy Japanese girlfriend and it’s obvious the reason is our lack of ability with katana and other Japanese weaponry. Therefore not only does this change benefit you all because you receive pure doujinshi, but the staff can hunker down and smash some omanko. Kami-sama bless Nihon.

GameJunkie999 3 years ago
Where i am right now is the 2nd of April. I thought this was legit until i remembered how time zones worked
7thManiac 3 years ago
As someone reading this days after April 1st anywhere, you almost got me.
Anon - Johnny 3 years ago
You almost got me
Anon - Joe r 3 years ago
Thought for a sec id need to delete the bookmark for this site.
The Avrage Weeb 3 years ago
Mother fuck! Me being late for this threw me for goddamned loop. You really had me going there.
BunnyBow 3 years ago
Had me going for a sec
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
I am unamused.
Anon - timmy 3 years ago
well that sucks for me but i understand are you going to keep your english itils that you alrady plush in english
Anon - John 3 years ago
I totally believe that translation, Suzaku would definitely pleasure himself with that fish.
Anon - Dont fing do it 3 years ago
"Our viewers will be able to read a true authentic doujin" Nigga I cant fucking read jap bad moves just cause your weeb heart won out