You know, when I read some doujins, I can’t help but notice that the guys have this insanely enlarged man meat (#nohomo). It always gnaws at the back of my mind, do women really, really like it when it’s big? Does dick size really matter?
I did some reading regarding the matter and found that the average depth for a woman’s vagina ranges from 2 ½ inches to 5 ½ inches. (If that’s the case, then how come those girls make those monster meat disappear inside them?!?). Also, the average penis length globally is 9 cm (3 ½ inches) when flaccid and 13 cm (5 ¼ inches) when erect.
However, I feel that I am not confident with this information. I mean, just look at some popular media and you’ll see just how predominated the idea of women liking their men to have a huge meat pole packed between his legs. You can even see it in the sex toys they use. I mean, just look at those things. They’re huge! (or maybe, as an Asian, my perspective of the world is… rather small?)
So, I’ve looked at some of the women to see if size really matter. Here’s what I’ve found.
According to some San Diego State University in 2017, men better be packin’ some inches, because a lot of them actually answered that it mattered. When asked what their prefered size is, their answer ranged from 6 inches to 7 inches, well above the average penis size.
The women of BuzzFeed answered this question too. They are more diverse, with one of them saying that it does matter, while one saying that it does not. One stated that length is not as girth while the other says that it’s really just on how you work it with what you have.
Looking at some video on youtube and i think that most girls being asked (maybe a good 70%, maybe) answered that size does matter. However, i get to hear one cool saying about the matter.
“It’s not about the size of the yacht, it’s the motion of the ocean.”
Surprisingly, it’s the pornstars that have a different opinion to the rest of the ladies.
Ana Foxxx: Size does not matter. Because, what's good is a big dick if you don't know the motion of the ocean?
Kendra Sutherland: People think bigger is always better, but like, i don't personally like huge, huge dicks.
Angela White: It really isn't about size. It's about how you connect with the person.
And there you have it! The answer to our question, does size really matter. Apparently, to most women, it is. However, I believe in what Ms. Angela White said, it’s not really about the size, it’s the bond, the connection that matters. (Who said that pornstar can’t be profound?)
What about you? Do you think size matter? Do you have anything to add? Do you have any suggestions and recommendation? Please tell us about it in the comments below. Thank you for reading!
I still feel that the information I have is lacking, so, I did some asking with some of the girls I know. Also, i did some barhopping just to ask some ladies this question. It’s a bit hard to ask this sort of question without looking like a creep, so you guys should appreciate just how far I am willing to provide you with some trivial information! Maybe I’ll post it some other time. Again, thank you for reading.