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Do You Like Beer?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 1 year ago
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Okay, maybe I’m just the weird one here, but I got to come clean with you all. I DON’T LIKE THE TASTE OF BEER!!! That’s it, I SAID IT!!! Now I know as a rough and tough guy, I should be in love with beer, just like all my cool anime male protagonists. But for some reason, I just don’t like it.

Really?! Well, I'll just stick with regular water.

Going out to restaurants and bars, seeing all the guys buying beers, and enjoying them while watching the football game, just makes me feel like I’m missing out. And when I watch anime and a character takes a deep sip of their beer and just goes crazy by the β€œrefreshing” flavor, it makes me think I’m crazy.

And it’s not like I haven’t tried many beers before. Tried the standard Bud Light, tried so many different beer brands in the restaurant, and just none of them tasted good. They all tasted like well…beer, no matter what different brand/flavor I tried. They all pretty much tasted the same. And I start wondering if people drink beer more for the social aspect. Like, the flavor is decent, but you’re mostly drinking it cause everyone else is drinking it.

I’m not sure, maybe I’m just not a true alcohol loving person. I drink alcohol and enjoy it, but only the fruity ones. I’m not really someone who’s looking to get drunk, just trying to taste something good. So if I’m watching football with the gang, don’t be surprised if you see me drinking a cup of water.

Do you like beer? Do all beers taste the same? Do you have any beer recommendations? Tell us in the comments.

EatsBush 1 year ago
I only drink the blood of my enemies...and occasionally a strawberry Yoo-hoo.
Anon - Boozer 1 year ago
It's an acquired taste. Try drinking cheap beer every night for a few years and eventually it will taste like it's supposed to. Or maybe I'm just a drunk.
Anon - Maybe I maybe you... 1 year ago
I hate how all types of alcohol taste. It's all bitter, awful. But beer takes the cake.
Hectotane 1 year ago
I don't drink beer. Soda has more flavor.

Don't worry about it, though. You ain't missing out. If anything, you won't be like those bums who waste their life away on alcohol.
Anon - py 1 year ago
No. I have a PhD degree, but I don't consider myself so intelligent I would have to handicap my thinking with alcohol. I understand people feel the need to nerf themselves to make life more tolerable, but I prefer permanent solutions.
Oddest Ball 1 year ago
Then you haven't tried HEATAP!!
Seriously, I haven't gone further than hard lemonade.
Anon - Tobi Yaza 1 year ago
I mean Bud light does taste like dish water mixed with alcohol, Modelo is fine, but personally back when I could physically drink, my poison was a tall can of Guinness, which is funny since it was classified as a stout, which I think means a dark beer, not entirely sure, but I enjoyed something like that, which was funny because people claim anyone who likes dark beers like coffee, me, I hate it.
Anon - omega 1 year ago
This might be controversial but to me beer tastes like shit but you can drink it
Anon - Master 1 year ago
Cold Beer on a hot summer day after doing activities is actually good for you. Replaces carbs and sugars you deplete from exercise
Anon - Hamm 1 year ago
I don't like beer either. Once I picked up my mom's hot chocolate by mistake, which was spiked. Disgusting