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Do These Girls Look Too Similar And Basic?
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 months ago

This season, out of all the generic isekais and other harem garbage, I decide to pick up a racing anime. MF Ghost, or as Snooze like to call it, Mother Fucking Ghost, first episode was enjoyable for what it was. It wasn’t mind blowing, but it was enjoyable enough for me to give it the 3 episode rule. The same way the female character designs in this show isn’t mind blowing.

Still kinda cute tho.

MF Ghost is a sequel to Initial D. I’ve never watched any of Initial D, but I could tell that this was related or at least had the same artist as Initial D from just the characters, and maybe because it was related to cars. Initial D has a very district art style when it comes to characters. They have these weird doll-like faces, which seem to be plastered on every character with only slight changes. Big pretty eyes that stare into your soul. It’s a total change from the anime art we see nowadays, which kind of shows how old this artist is.

Are ya'll related?

But even though the character faces are pretty bland, and don't really change much from character to character, that doesn’t mean that the girls are just completely not attractive. The main female character Ren, is a total hottie, when she’s not being her normie high school self. When she’s at work, strutting her stuff for the race cars, she’s looking like a total snack.

He ain't lying.

So I’m fine with seeing these basics but still hot bitches for my duration of watching this show. Who knows, I might start enjoying the art style more as I watch the show, and also grow an enjoyment for the Initial D series.

Do you think these girls look too basic? Does basic design have its charm? Have you watched Initial D before? Tell us in the comments.