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Crona Doesn’t Know How To Deal With Anal
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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There’s a lot of hot girls in Soul Eater, which makes it sad that it’s not many doujins of it. Hell, you don’t see that many lewd fanart of it either. But artist Mobubeinglewd or Mobi Mobi, is doing everyone a service and drawing Soul Eater porn. But, mostly of Crona. 

Now, I said hot girls, but it’s debatable if Crona is a girl or a boy. I think I read up that in the anime Crona is a boy, while in the manga, it’s a girl. Whatever Crona gender is, anyone can do it anal, girl or boy. And Crona nervous and twitchy ass is the perfect hole for anal.

Have you heard of Mobi Mobi? Do you think Crona is a boy or a girl? Would you fuck Crona’s ass? Tell us in the comments.

daherr 3 years ago
Soul Eater in 2021? For whom? The 3 people who still remember?
Anon - ROBOTATTACK 3 years ago
i don't care what gender, crona is a twig. thick crona is blasphemy.
nekoanime15 3 years ago
I believe Crona is a boy and I would love to see anyone do him in the ass! :)
Anon - ieatdogsforcash 3 years ago
Crona's gender is never elaborated on in either anime or manga, and according to series creator Ohkubo, is officially 'unknown.'

Personally, I like that.
Lewd-Sheepy 3 years ago
Crona is only refered to with he him and ocasionally they them pronouns
---------------- 3 years ago
If it isn't Maka, it isn't worth my time.
tanakaba 3 years ago
I just realized there's gotta be people named Crona in real life, that must be rough if they're still in school.
exodusee7 3 years ago
Crona doesn't know how to deal with anal? Well I don't know how to deal with that shit ugly art.