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Celebrating No Shave November
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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We’ve heard about No Nut November, we heard about No Stop Nut November, we've also heard about NTRvember. But, have you ever heard about No Shave November? Might be gross for some, but for those guys who like girls with a little extra hair, and I’m not talking about on their heads, then this might be the month for you. And Yotahen might be the artist for you as well.

Now like I’ve said in previous articles, art can change a person. I feel like in real life, armpit hair is an easy no for me, but in art, it’s kind of sexy. Now crotch hair on a girl, if it’s not too much, I can like that in art, and in real life. Of course, I’m not looking for a jungle down there, but some hair here and there is kind of hot, and Yotahen knows how to draw just the right amount.

So no matter what you’re celebrating this November, just remember to cum responsibility, and don’t cum in her hair. Unless it’s her crotch hair.

Have you heard of No Shave November? Do you think pussy hair is hot? Do you think other body hair is hot? Tell us in the comments.

BootyHunter 2 years ago
First Ewww, Second I prefer Bald Pussies.
Anon - Cowards! 2 years ago
Men wont complain about vaginas tasting sour or salty with mucus dripping out but they'll lose their shit over some body hair? As long as it's clean it shouldn't be a problem. And if it gets stuck in your teeth then you got some floss for later. Win-win.
umknown 2 years ago
No shave November just like No Nut November it is supposed to be about prostate cancer awareness. Men are supposed to grow beards. It's not about pubic hair on women; which I prefer trimmed short or bald. Wild hair is not hot it is bad hygiene.
Chaos729 2 years ago
Yeah no, it's fucking gross as shit. Or should I say it's Japan's fucking obsession with it that's gross as shit. A neat trim is fine, a god damn forest down there is not.
Anon - Anon 2 years ago
Looks fine to me. Just shave the butthole hair
Anon - 4872 2 years ago
Shave or don't shave. It's up to each individual to decide. I groom myself, but that's me. If you want to let it grow, let it grow.
Oddest Ball 2 years ago
JOJO-IX 11 months ago
Okay No Shave November actually involves men not shaving their facial hair all month, it has nothing to do with women shaving at all.
Also the trend was originally created as a way to spread awareness for Cancer. (Don't ask me how that part works, because I don't know the answer to that question.)
MrObvious 2 years ago
Haven't heard of this in all honesty, just no nut November. I don't mind a nice muff, my two primary types of waifus essentially have them along with the pit hair, also don't mind if they leave or shave the latter.
Anon - Lesbian 2 years ago
I like hair irl but in art everything but the public triangle grosses me out.