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Bidding and Adopting Artist OCs
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Now I never heard of an Adoptable before this, but it’s a thing, and it’s crazy. What is an Adoptable you might ask? From what I can tell, it’s when artists sell the rights to their OCs. Now I’m not completely sure how that works since anyone could just draw the artist's OC without thinking about buying them, but artist CrystalCheese has been doing it, and making a profit out of it. 

DAMN! Bobbyb really wanted that OC!

They’ve already done a few of these Adoptabes before. The first one I saw was for one of their OCs named Baseball Gal. And I’ll be honest, she’s super hot and I really love her look. But I’m not sure I’ll be willing to bid $1000 just for the rights over her.

But some people have money like that, while I don’t, so if people want to spend money like that and support artists, then do you boo. It’s better to spend that $1000 on the rights to give a name to and own your favorite artist’s OC, instead of a crack addiction. 

IHave you heard of Adoptables before? Do you think this is stupid? Would you spend $1000 to own an OC? Tell us in the comments.