Audio Doujins: Tifa Audio Doujin Remake
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
Well, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is finally out, so I thought it would be a good idea to revisit a Tifa doujin and add some audio to it. We’ve already done a Tifa audio doujin before, so why not another. Tifa is hot, and people love her, so it’s a great way to celebrate the remake's release. And back as the role of Tifa is Tempty, giving us a great performance as always. And Kinky playing the role he was meant to play, the big strong Barret.
Tifa voiced by Tempty
Barret voiced by ImJustThatKinky
What did you think of Tempty’s performance? Do you think Tifa is the hottest girl in FInal Fantasy 7? Do you want to hear more FInal Fantasy 7 audio doujins? Tell us in the comments.
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His VA is the same VA as Seed Destiny's Shinn Asuka. And, after seeing Cloud in a dress (as well as being cucked), I still think people are trying to ruin the VA's career.