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Indivisible's Trailer Animated by Trigger
By Kasaix • 5 years ago
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Indivisible first appeared on the scene a few years ago trying to drum up support. I'm not certain how much support it got then, but it's releasing on Oct. 8th, and got a fancy trailer animated by Studio Trigger itself. Take a look below.

You get a special character if you pre-order anywhere, and on Steam, you get special Valve bonus stuff. Mind you, there's only a link for Steam right now, and it's not on the PS Store right now. The Switch version is Coming Soon ™️. 

The game itself looks fine. I played the beta way back when and quite enjoyed it. Turn-based RPG and some form of ally collection system is always fun. The trailer looks fantastic, as one expects from Studio Trigger. 

Hectotane 5 years ago
In all honestly; I wanted more playable characters in the Skullgirls fighting game.

But then again, I've gotten sick and tired of putting money that isn't mine on dreams and works that aren't really mine to begin with. I gotta eat and have a roof over my head too, you know.
Oddest Ball 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
Oh thank goodness. I was worried that the last time I heard of it years ago when the Grumps played it that it had died a quiet death at some point. Glad that it was just being busy instead. Also, yay for Trigger.
tanakaba 5 years ago
When I saw it a year ago, combat looked like Valkyrie Profile, time to look and see what's changed!
Anon - Game-Anon 5 years ago
I think I played, and might still have, the PS4 Beta for this. As I understand the gameplay is a lot like Valkyrie Profile. I remember having fun with it, and also finding the combat difficult, more because I was completely unfamiliar with the gameplay style than anything else (never played Valkyrie Profile).