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Audio Doujins: Raven's Fake Taxi Experinces
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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Out of the Teen TItans, you would expect the clueless and gullible Starfire to be the one to stumble inside a Fake Taxi. But nope, it’s the raspy and moody Raven. She’s a smart tongue brat who needs to be put in her place, and put in her place she shall. Accel knows what waifu to drag into this taxi, and I’m happy with the results. Let’s enjoy and give thanks to a new voice on this site BritishKass for her lovely and raspy Raven performance. 

Waifu Taxi Raven

Raven voiced by BritishKass

If you want more Waifu Taxi, you can check out their Patreon.

What did you think of BritishKass performance? Would you put Raven in her place? Would you like to see Starfire in the Fake Taxi? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Anonymous 3 years ago
And watch as the fans make comments.

First person who brings up Teen Titans Go is going to be called ‘Butthurt.’