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Audio Doujins: Not into Robots? Yukari is Here to Please
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

Now I never really cared for Yukari in Persona 3, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about her in doujins. We’ve had two Aigis audio doujins now, so maybe it’s time for another Persona 3 girl to get a spot light. Dorn reprises her role as Yukari, in a more sexual role this time. And if you still love Aigis, Tempty is still here as the voice of Aigis. And Snooze, gives a voice to our silent protagonist Minato. And supporting roles voiced by Milly as Mitsuru and Buddy as Fuuka.

Yukari voiced by Dorn

Aigis voiced by Tempty

Minato voiced by WakeUpSnooze

Mitsuru voiced by Milly Stern

Fuuka voiced by Aero Buddy

What did you think of Dorn’s performance? Who’s better, Yukari or Aigis? Would like to see more Persona 3 audio doujins? Tell us in the comments.