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Audio Doujins: Deliciously Animated Baal
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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I hope you guys enjoy animated audio doujins, cause I got some more for you. Some more animated doujins, and Genshin Impact doujins. Baal is a wonderful cook, and Nekone made sure to show that off, and their animation skills. We have the lovely Genshin Impact voice actress Ruby back as the voice of Baal, Lumine, and Paimon.

Baal, Lumine, and Paimon voiced by RubyRed

If you want to check out more of Nekone’s animated doujins and support them, check out their Patreon.

What did you think about Ruby’s performance? What did you think of Nekone’s animated doujin? Would you like to see more animated doujins? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Edge 2 years ago
I want Raiden to shove her sword up my tranhole while sucking my toes.
Sonata 2 years ago
Ruby's voicing was damn good, I actually enjoyed the performance, which is rare cause some audio doujins make me laugh. Funny bone(r) eh? The animated doujins are certainly different and well done, however for me personally I'm just used to regular pages and letting my mind do the labour. This stuff though is fantastic and I'm content with more of this stuff being uploaded here.
Definitely pog.