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Audio Doujins: Being Unfaithful For Demon Cocks
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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Well, it’s the month of November, and I haven’t released any NTR audio doujins to celebrate NTRNovember, and I am truly sorry for that. I will do better next year. But luckily, BB Willow commissioned a spice Devil May Cry comic to be dubbed, by the artist Nayaa. If you’re into girls getting fucked by demon cocks instead of humans, than this is the comic for you. The voice that’s getting violated today is none other than Sultry Lamp.


Kyrie voiced by Sultry Lamp.

If you want to check out more of Nayaa stuff, check out their Patreon.

What did you think about Sultry Lamp’s performance? What did you think of Nayaa's comic? Do you like demon cocks fucking human women? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Best audio in a while. Great contribution to NTRVEMBER.
Anon - ZZQuil 3 years ago
Sultry sounds legitimately like the actual voice actress. Great choice to have her voice Kyrie.
Anon - Bam Margera 3 years ago
Reading the phrase “NTRvember” made me die a little inside, but then again I honestly can’t think of a better doujin to be given the honorable pleasure of becoming audible for such an occasion.

Side note: Is it still NTR if your wife/stepsister is just a bland, insipid, flat piece of cardboard? Nero really could pick ‘em better, that’s all I’m saying. Lol
Anon - Steve-O 3 years ago
Y'all need to pick some better doujins to audio book. Something like Kiss of the Dead, or by someone like Circle Spice doujins or Haruharutei. These ones lately are way too short and their stories suck.