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Attack On Titan Is Over, But The Afterparty Is Rumbling On
By WakeUpSnooze • 1 year ago
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Boys, a ton of us should be feeling pretty old right about now. In case you haven’t heard, the Attack on Titan anime has officially wrapped up and ended the landmark series that has sucked in anime fans everywhere for a decade. Well almost everywhere. Not my house, as I have failed to ever watch this culturally significant project. I kept saying “I’ll watch it one day” and now a decade has passed and I’m missing out on a huge moment in anime history. Damn, typical Snooze. Anyway, today I want to put some attention not on the finale itself, but the attempt at an afterparty put together. 

So what exactly is it? Essentially it’s an online 3D party where you hop on a virtual cruise ship that looks straight out of a Roblox mod environment. The cruise ship is loaded with a ton of AOT-focused content including character sketches, production staff commentaries, and similar behind the scenes galleries for the diehard fans to explore. Additionally there were specific livestreamed interviews and a grand finale celebration that players could experience together in real time. That time has passed (Nov. 5 - Nov. 8), but you can still buy a ticket to explore the cruise ship and watch reruns of the streamed content until Nov. 30. Oh, did I forget to mention? Why of course you have to buy a ticket for your virtual cruise my friend. Don’t worry, it’ll simply run you a mere $20, or $22 if you want your avatar to have a special item.

I actually thought this was a pretty cool idea until I saw the price tag. Unless you’re the most diehard type of AOT fan I don’t see many people forking over that much money to run around in a Roblox-style cruise ship for a month. This idea of bringing people together in a virtual space right after the ending of an impactful series sounds pretty awesome, but to me it comes across as a good $5-$10 idea. Maybe I simply don’t value the BTS content as much as I should. Or maybe if I watched the series I would have much more interest in this event. I’m trying to visualize how willing I’d be to drop the $20 if it was a series I truly loved, but even then I’m a bit skeptical of the value proposition. 

Regardless of my personal feelings on it, there’s still plenty of time for those interested to hop on the cruise ship and experience the magic of the event themselves on either PC or mobile devices before November 30th. Did you watch Attack on Titan? What do you think of afterparties for big anime finales? Is the price tag here too high or acceptable for what you get? Put on your gear, swing through the city, and take down a Titan one last time in the comments below!

Anon - . 1 year ago
If you want to know how anime fans are shittier than manga fans they actually like the shitty ending to this series.
Oddest Ball 1 year ago
Thank FUCK it's finally over.
Rasendori!!! 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago)
This is seriously some tone deaf nonsense And calling anything "The final season Part 2 3 4" is some clown shoes stupidity
Chaos729 1 year ago
Yeah, this wouldn't have been so bad if it was say 5-10 bucks to show as support and get some neat things. 20+ is just Japan being all HOW DO WE GET MORE MONEY