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Anime Lies About School Life
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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My high school life was shit. It’s wasn’t the worst thing ever, but when I compare it to the school life of anime characters, I start wishing I could have redone everything.


There’s so much things in anime shows about highschool life that just didn’t happen in me. The joy of walking home from school with a group of best buddies, only for you guys to head to your local hangout spot which could be the local gas station or playground. Have a wacky after school club to go to. The accidental misunderstandings that could get you lucky in touching a boob or two. And the thing I hate the most our all the vacation trips they seem to go on, like out to parks, out of the states, and even going to fucking hot springs. I’m not sure if my school was just being cheap, but we never went on crazy field trips like that.


Now this is my kind of field trip!

They also make college look like a glamorous life, with much more wild and crazy antics happening around that. Great examples are Grand Blue and Honey and Clover. The drama, the relationships, the joyful friendship moments, are all turned up to 11 compared to actual life. When I watch these kind of shows, I always think to myself, “Did I do something wrong in my school life. Did I just not take those opportunities.” Sadly, I will never know, since I can’t rewind time and find out for myself.



Yep, my school life was shit...


Was your school life shit or enjoyable? Do you wish you could redo your highschool days? Did your high school take you on field trips? Tell us in the comments below.

Anon - Vance 5 years ago
Wouldn't mind reliving my school life with all my knowledge gained in life.

I'd actually exercise more and do what I could to play sports so I could enjoy it more I think.
Anon - Anonymous 5 years ago
That’s the thing. They’re romanticizing it to make you want it. Honestly, all it’s trying to do is keep you in that mindset so you want to be there.

Think Saved By The Bell. It’s about a High School Boy who always gets into trouble, but for some reason always comes out cool and okay. It’s the same principle.
Oddest Ball 5 years ago
Don't forget the ones where the students have special powers/martial arts mastery and fight monsters/other people.
Anon - RedRob 5 years ago
I feel like you're comparing apples to oranges here. Anime depicts the life of high schoolers in Japan. How highschools work there are probably different from how the highschools in your country works.
Anon - nonA 5 years ago
Good job discovering that all on your own. You deserve a medal.
jupmod 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
Well, it would be exciting if Real Life high school was ever like any of the anime, but we all know they're just fictional stories that have no base in Real Life anyway. As for redoing high school, I do not mind redoing it with my current knowledge. I would had gotten better grades and a girlfriend. I missed some opportunities then.
HYANDF1999 5 years ago
I think that real school life of some of us is more like Watamote (but in a masculine or femenine, you understand). Trying to fit with the others and being popular, I did it sometimes, but now that I grew up and am studying at the University, I don't give it a shit. So now I'm finishing studying my major while learning languages. Ironically, I'm popular now and that's kinda disturbing.
Anon - Miscellaneous 5 years ago
If I was to go back and relive high school I’d be abusing my knowledge of the future to get rich via the lottery, sport event outcomes and maybe the stock market. I say maybe for the last part in case the Butterfly Effect is real, especially if I try to prevent 9/11
Anon - Barry 5 years ago
Well it's not surprising fiction isn't a realistic depiction of school or anything else. You can say the same thing about Hollywoods portrayal of anything as well, it's not like you can live like in a 'Friends' episode. Even reality shows aren't really reality, unless you think Kardashians are realistic portraits of humans beings.
MrObvious 5 years ago
Mine was fairly typical. It was SO typical that no, I wouldn't redo it. The ONLY major thing I can recall is the school's queen bee totally flipping her shit when she found out that a 'nerdy' guy had a crush on her. She reduced the poor guy to tears in front of everyone making a spectacle of her *ahem* rejection of him at lunch the week before graduation. Sounds crazy but yeah that's it.