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An Interview with Reit
By Kasaix • 6 years ago
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Kasaix: Hello friends and fans of Doujins! I’m chatting with an incredibly talented, popular, and prolific artist, the one and only Reit. I’ve been following his work for quite some time, and it’s really cool to finally chat with him.

That said, thanks for hanging out Reit. How’s it going?

Reit: All good, thank you for contacting me for this interview, I'm very excited and honored for it

Kasaix: Likewise, definitely. Let's start at the top. How did you first get into art?

Reit: Like everyone, I started when I was very young, as a kid I enjoyed drawing the series I watched on that time, like pokemon and dragon ball... when the internet was just starting hahaha, and well, as I grew older I kinda grew apart from art because life and my studies came along... but I started to draw again on my last year of university, starting there to publish my first draws on the internet, which were pretty bad to be honest hahaha

Kasaix: Do you have an education in art, or are you self-taught?

Reit: No, I'm self-taught... actually, I studied engineering in robotics and automation... which has nothing to do with art at all as you might imagine... after I graduated and going through a vocational crisis I started to read art books and watch youtube videos about drawing to dedicate all my time to what I do now

Kasaix: You're a robotics engineer turned artist, that is amazing.

What are your favorite subjects to draw, as far as characters and the situations or kinks they find themselves in?

Reit: I feel that I enjoy drawing female bodies the most, mainly for the anatomy and style they have... for this, I have studied them more and I dislike drawing dudes the most hahah. About characters, I like to have diversity and not draw always the same ones, I enjoy to recreate canon scenes that happened in animes and make them with the NSFW twist so I can ruin  people's childhood like this hahaha, but I can't always do this because of my patreon requests and commissions. I don't have a clear kink either, I just like to do a bit of everything and have the diversity as long as it's not something too weird

Kasaix: Nice, keeping things fresh and varied. I prefer female character myself. I write lewd stories, and definitely prefer all girls there.

Do you draw your own original characters? I know you have a mascot, the tomboy girl with pink dyed shaved hair whose name escapes me.

This one

Roxy, that's her name.

Reit: Yeah, that's Roxy my OC, she's the only one I have created and actually I was closed to creating an original character for the longest time until the idea appeared on patreon and I reused a design that I made when I was working with ManiacPaint and Oddrich, two artists who are very good friends of mine... I made a milestone of reaching certain goal on patreon and when it was achieved I said I would create a mascot for my patreon page, and that's how she came along! Also, her name was chosen by my patreons, in a poll

Kasaix: That's interesting! Giving fans a say in what gets drawn.

Speaking of friends, and I digress a bit, that you're friends with Kyoffie, another artist I've interviewed. That's so cool to know.

Reit: Indeed, I met Kyo on picarto, visiting the streams he does there and that after several times chatting we started to get in touch... as he's Chilean like me, I asked him doubts about the problems of being a digital artist on Chile and how some legal stuff works hahaha, so we help each other on that. Between artist I would say we usually know about each others a lot, but there's not really much contact... but I do like to have circles of artist where I can rely and get in touch on, like, on New years I was part of a collab between many latin artists (65 to be specific) where we collaborated in making our OCs for a special publication

Here's what we did there.

Kasaix: I love that picture. How did it come about? What was your process when planning and drawing it?

Reit: You mean about that image of Roxy or the collaboration that was made?

Kasaix: Roxy. In general, what's your process when tackling a picture like that?

Reit: In this particular image, I started with the design of her dress, as it was meant to be a formal occasion, I started seeking for references of dresses and I created something sexy but formal that could fit Roxy hahaha, for this specific image I wasn't sure of what color the dress should be (I ended up making a white version for it too) so the black ended up as the official one and the white as an exclusive for patreon... then, about the background, it was made by my girlfriend who always helps me and then I modificated some details of it... she's actually helping me right now too, to put my thoughts in english as some kind of interpreter as my english is sorta limited hahaha

Kasaix: That is wholesome. Reit is actually two people working as one. Hi Reit's girlfriend!

Reit: She mainly helps me on little details, like with ideas, moderation of my server or that background in particular, but all the art is made just by me hahaha

Kasaix: That's still nice and wholesome.

Do you have a dream project in mind you definitely want to work on sometime in the future? A full comic series or something?

Reit: Right now I'm working on a comic that went in hiatus some while ago, called Feel the Pain related to Naruto... but in the future I would love to create an original comic with different characters and staring Roxy, and hopefully have a comic book in real life made by me, illustrated and printed as a real book. That would be one of my dream projects for the future. In the past I've had many projects too like videogames, making a hentai game and studying some 3D modelling... maybe in the future I could reassume those dreams

Kasaix: I was just about to bring it up. I've been following Feel the Pain since the first version. If I'm not mistaken, the first version had Pain, controlling the female body directly, and Konan assisting him in seducing Konohamaru. The new version differs there, where Pain brings back the original person, who was apparently used to using her body to extract information.

What was your process in first drawing Feel the Pain? Was it a patreon vote, or just something you wanted to do with Naruto characters? As well, what brought on the changes when you rebooted the comic in its current version?

Reit: Feel the Pain was born as an idea made between Oddrich and I, it started as a commission that I made to him, so he could color it after... the script was made between the both of us, I made the draws and he would color it... after some time, he hasn't able to pay me for commission anymore but by this time I was invested in the idea and I liked the comic so we continued working on it anyway. The script I'm following now for the comic, is still the original script, so all the changes you see on Feel the Pain were planned from the beginning and the current version is just the continuation of the story that wasn't really explained in the beginning.

Kasaix: Ah interesting. I hope you're able to finish it this time, it's too good to go unfinished.

Let’s wrap this up, shall we? Thank you again for taking the time to hang out, both you and Reit's Girlfriend. Do you have any parting words for your fans?

Reit: Sure thing, I want to thank everyone that has followed me so far on this years and to everyone that will read this interview and hopefully will start following me as well hahaha... I want to keep working hard for everyone and keep studying to improve my work for everyone to enjoy, afterall, this is my dream job and I want to encourage everyone to work hard for their dreams because like this, anything can be achieved... even changing from robots to sexy girls and becoming a hentai artist.

Kasaix: That's inspirational, especially the last part. I'm inspired. My drawing skills are terrible though. My stick figures look sickly. Hahah

Reit: You should see my 2011 works, they were not very good at all hahaha

Kasaix: Haha!

Another huge thanks goes to Reit for taking the time to hang out. If you’d like to follow his work, and you really should, check out the sites below:











Hentai Foundry:


jupmod 6 years ago
I've been watching Reit since he had started years ago. I had him done a few hentai commissions for me, and I love them very much. :)
Anon - Ely 6 years ago
You are an awsome artist. I really love your work
Anon - meowclops 6 years ago
Love his art
Anon - josue 5 years ago
se be chido