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What Do You Name Your Character in Video Games?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

If you’re a RPG or JRPG fan, you’ve most likely encountered one of the hardest video game choices ever. It’s a choice that plagues many of us gamers. A choice bigger than which side you should join. A choice that’s bigger than choosing if you should spare that man’s life or not. The big choice I’m talking about is the choice that they present to you before you truly start your journey, and that’s what your character name should be.

I know for myself personally, this used to be a huge struggle for me. I would never know what to name my character. Should I give the character my actual name since he’s like me, or should I give him a fake, cool name that would fit him and the scenario. When the character is just a blank slate, like a character in Skyrim or Fallout, I usually just go with my name. But a game with characters that’s already established, that’s where I draw the line.

What should I name this handsome man.

Games like Persona or Legend of Zelda are easy for me. The main character in Persona 4 is Yu Narukami and in Legend of Zelda it’s Link. Sometimes games would even have the character true name already typed in for you. No need to think too hard about it. It honestly triggers me when someone will name Yu something like, Jackson Steel or Fart Fighter. It’s fucking stupid! Even Snooze will name the Persona MC after his real name. Since he can’t get girls in real life, he has to act like he’s Yu Narukami to feel better.

Snooze wish he looked like this.

At the end of the day, you bought the game, so you can do what you want. All I ask is if you’re going to give a character a new name, at least let it be cool or normal. Just know that if you name Link Assboy, people are going to look down on you as a casual gamer.

It's only funny the first few times.

What do you name characters in games? Would you give a character a new name if they already have one? Do you hate when someone gives a character a stupid name? Tell us in the comments.