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A Great Artist in Lewd Video Games Interview with FreeGlass
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 years ago
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Kinky: I did a Snow Daze article that did pretty well and I’m guessing that was because of my clever title and the attractive cover image of the four main heroines of the game. And today I get to interview the man who drew such amazing beauties. I introduce to you, Federico Iglesias or FreeGlass or F-ing?! (The man has alot of names)  How are you doing today FreeGlass?


FreeGlass: Hello! It’s a beautiful day, and I’ve got a cup of coffee at my side... yeah, I'd say I’m doing very well, thank you!  And thanks for the love for our art on Snow Daze. It’s a team effort, so I can’t take anywhere near all the credit. The art you used, like many of the CGs you'll find in the final game, was laid out and sketched by Idlecum and colored by Brellom.


Kinky: A good man who gives credit where credit is do. So, how long have you been drawing?


FreeGlass: I’ve been drawing since I was a kid. 4 years old is usually when us art types start and I was no exception! Then I got more serious about it when I was about 13, in middle school. And professionally, I started working in art since 2012, doing commissions and webcomics with friends.


Kinky: When did you start drawing more lewd art?


FreeGlass: Lewd art, since I was about 16 or 17 or so. I would’ve started earlier, but I was raised as such a catholic puritan, I was way too guilty to even think about it. How the times change, eh?


Kinky: Same. I can relate to the whole catholic background hold you back. With that being said, how open are you when it comes to telling people about your lewd art?


FreeGlass: Relatively open. There’s people I’ve trusted in my every day life with details, but there’s obviously people I’d rather keep in the dark. But I don’t shy away from it - I started taking lewd art commissions to make ends meet, so I definitely owe where I am now to it. And I do a lot of it in my own time as well, and I obviously do it with my fair amount of gusto - enough that I share some (relatively tame) pin ups on social media, where I’m pretty sure some family members follow me.


Kinky: Is there a specific lewd topic that you enjoy drawing or just enjoy in general?


FreeGlass: Pin-ups! That’s where my passion lies, really. Super pretty looking ladies, posing for the camera with attitude? I could do those all day. It’s not what I always get to do in my work, but I usually try to find a way.


Kinky: Do you enjoy traditional art or digital better?


FreeGlass: I don’t think I’ve seriously done any traditional art since I around the time I started working in art. I used to draw comics on comic art boards, with the usual non photo blue pencils and technical ink pens. But as soon as I started drawing digitally, I haven’t looked back... maybe I should.


Kinky: I’ve recently bought a drawing tablet and trying to draw while looking at the computer is certainly a new challenge for me, it kinda makes me want to give up. How hard was it for you to adapt to digital?


FreeGlass: Really hard. It took some getting used to, that’s for sure. My first tablet as a professional was a Wacom alternative budget brand called Monoprice, and it was great! But I very much underestimated the hand eye coordination needed. And I jumped right into work with it, after using physical media on a series I was working on for several months already. So the quality of my art took a hit.

Later on I saved up for a Yiynova, another Wacom-alternative budget screen tablet, and I’ve been using that ever since. It’s up to personal preference, though. You can definitely draw some grade A work on a non-screen tablet.


Kinky: I’ve seen your amazing art first in Snow Daze and I’m happy I did. Was Snow Daze the first game you drew for?


FreeGlass: Yep! I originally came on as just a background artist back in 2015, so it didn’t really FEEL like working on a GAME. But I’ve been climbing up, and been responsible for more stuff since, so now it feels like it!


Kinky: How was it working on a porn game?


FreeGlass: Working on porn itself is the same as usual! Draw pretty girls, try to get all the goods in the picture... but as a game, it forces you to think about stuff you usually wouldn’t. How layers are arranged, what the final product is going to function, and above all, deadlines! Any deadline you have, cut that by a lot if you’re working with a team, because it needs to go by everyone before you can really say you’re done.


Kinky: Did you come up with the character designs or were you given a rough draft of the characters?


FreeGlass: We had two concept artists that did character designs on Snow Daze. First off was the wonderful Mindwipe who did a lot of the original concepts. He had worked with Cypress Zeta on Overwhored and brought me on to the project. Once the groundwork was laid, we got in touch with Short-Blue-Imp to draw some more solid and refined character design sheets that were ready to have a whole game revolve around them!


Kinky: Interesting, there’s a lot more to the art side of games that I didn’t know about.  So, who is your favorite girl design wise and who is your favorite girl personality wise?


FreeGlass: Noelle and Noelle. She isn’t very different from her original Mindwipe-drawn iteration, but the way Short-Blue-Imp finalized her design is just magnificent. They do great work. And personality wise, Cypress really found a way to flesh out her character and personality and make her an interesting character to watch devolve into who she becomes by the end of the game.

I should had figured, since he even drew Noelle as Bayonetta.


Kinky: Would you consider drawing for another porn game?


FreeGlass: I would, and I have! Some months ago, I did, alongside the team at Outbreak Games, a short title called “Kissing Therapy” with the art direction led by the lovely SugaryAcid. It was made for a game jam within a month originally, but we’re working on an expanded, lewder version. So stay tuned for that!


Kinky: I saw that you upload a few animations of the Snow Daze girls. Are you just getting into animation or is this something you’ve been doing? What do you think of the process of animation?


FreeGlass: I originally got into art to animate, believe it or not! This whole comics and games thing was a happy result. So, I’ve got animation chops I just never get to use. Until I started doing those pencil tests, at least! I did them just for fun while I wasn’t doing anything on Snow Daze... I missed drawing the characters! So I did some quick loops to pass the time and stay limber, and of course, draw the best girls.

I WANT to do more, sure. But it’s all a matter of support. As long as I can afford to do it, and the Snow Daze fan base wants me to do it, I will.

It’s a bit late to put hand drawn frame animation into the game, but I can totally animate the girls some more if the mentioned circumstances are right.


Kinky: A squid a day keeps the doctors away. You’re doing a Squid a Day art project based on the game Splatoon. What made you start this?


FreeGlass: My friend Icy and I have been meaning to collab on something for a long time, now! And one day when I got some time, I thought I’d try a new coloring style, just for the sake of it. By the time I was done, I realized it wasn’t as time consuming as some other for-fun art I’ve done, and it’s since become my daily warm-up. It’s not a huge time commitment, and I think it still looks pretty good when finished!


I hope these are squids anot ki...either way, I love the color style FreeGlass went with.

Kinky: How into Splatoon are you? Do you just enjoy the art direction of it or are you also into the game itself?


FreeGlass: I’m SUPER into the game! I love the art direction in all its unabashedly colourful, playful, youthful energy - the gameplay itself is so fun, I always try to find time in my day to get a few quick rounds in... I’m kind of addicted! I’ve been playing just about every other day since the game came out and it hasn’t stopped being fun. I’ve got my amiibos, each with their own custom build, and I’ve got my pre order ready for the Pearl and Marina two pack.

It's also partially where the idea of doing the daily squids with Icy came from. We're both super into the game and play together, so if we were gonna collaborate on something - it was gonna be this!

Man, even when I’m busy, I tune in to the competitive Splatoon tournaments on Twitch when they’re on. It works as background noise, too. We’ve all got that one thing we’re super into, and Splatoon’s just that thing for me!


Kinky: Jeez, and I thought I was the nerd here. Okay, serious time. This might start some fights but who’s your favorite? Pearl or Marina? (You better fucking say Pearl damn it!)


FreeGlass: If you want me to say Pearl, I’ll say Pearl! Otherwise, my pick is Marina~

How can you say no to that adorable, non-gremlin like face?


No matter what you say, everyone wants a piece of Pearl. Even FreeGlass couldn't help but draw a beautiful picture showing off her amazing assets.

Oh and if you like making bad choices when it comes to picking girls, I guess he also drew this one. Atleast the art is still good.

Kinky: I would say that I enjoy interviewing you but after that disrespect you said about my girl, I don’t know anymore. Anyways, thank you (I guess) for joining me FreeGlass. Is there anywhere people can find you?


FreeGlass: You can find me on social media at FreeGlass's




And my NSFW links at F_ing's




And if you like my artwork and want to show some support, you can buy me a coffee at KO-FI


Would you like to see FreeGlass art in more lewd games? Have you checked out Snow Daze yet? Who's better Pearl or Marina?(You all better fucking say Pearl, so help me god!) Tell us in the comments below. If you want to read my dumb ramblings and check out my art follow my twitter @ImJustThatKinky