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A Ghoul Is Joining Dead By Daylight
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 week ago
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Tokyo Ghoul didn’t get a good anime adaptation from what I’ve heard from the fans, and Tokyo Ghoul also didn’t really get a memorable video game with no one talking about it once it was released. Hell, I feel like most of you guys don’t even know what game I’m talking about. 

Well, the Dead by Daylight team is hoping to stop Tokyo Ghoul's bad adaptation streak, and add Kaneki as a DLC monster.

Maybe not the announcement that most Tokyo Ghoul fans were hoping for, but it’s a start. I feel like Kaneki is a good fit into the Dead by Daylight world. A pick that I’ll be honest with you all, I would have never guessed would be in the game. I didn’t know Dead by Daylight was trying to be the Fortnite of horror games. Who are we going to get next? Rena from Higurashi?

I never played Dead by Daylight, and this sadly isn’t going to get me to play it anytime soon, but I do love that anime has gotten to a place where we can see goofy and cool collabs like this. We have come a long way.

Do you think Kaneki was a cool addition to Dead by Daylight? Who do you want to see in Dead by Daylight next? Do you play Dead by Daylight? Tell us in the comments.

Hentai121 1 week ago
I mean, anime and DbD have dabbled a bit. I’m pretty sure survivors can wear costumes from Attack on Titan, and the Oni can run around as one of those Naked doods. The Killer is a buggy mess, but pretty cool finisher. I stopped playing DbD, but I still watch content from it.
MrObvious 1 week ago
Interesting. Quite fitting given the title. Honestly only survival horror multiplayer title I've played recently is Friday The 13th: The Game with the same aesthetics. And that petered out as I looked to my old collection for more fun, Resident Evil 4 on PS2 taking up my time. One of my best impulse buys ever back in 06.
tanakaba 1 week ago
Wish I had a mask like that in 2020.