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Whatโ€™s Wrong With Tifa Being a Prostitute?
By ImJustThatKinky โ€ข 4 years ago
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Final Fantasy VII Remake has been out for a while now and people have mixed feelings about it. The old stuff that theyโ€™ve remade seemed to be loved, while the new things theyโ€™ve added seem to hit people the wrong way. Well, something that also hit people the wrong way was when Miles from Rooster Teeth and writer of RWBY,stated that Tifa looked like a prostitute. Oh no, the horror!

And with anything people donโ€™t like, he was soon hit with backlash. 

Soon after all the backlash, like all hot takes, the tweet was deleted. Now look, I donโ€™t like Miles as much as the next guy, but this wasnโ€™t something to attack the man over. Attack him more on why RWBY is going to shit. He thinks Tifa looks like a prostitute, big deal. Arenโ€™t we supposed to be in a more accepting time? The people who yelled at Miles for calling Tifa a prostitute, are the same people who would get mad if someone slut shamed a prostitute. Tifa underdresses and looks like a prostitute, whatโ€™s wrong with that? Being a prostitute isnโ€™t inherently a bad thing, only unless you see it as bad. Itโ€™s like if someone said I looked like a nerd because I wear glasses and wear an anime shirt. Yeah, calling me a nerd could be considered a bad thing, but I donโ€™t see it that way.

โ€œHa! Look at this fucking nerd!โ€

Do you think Miles deserves the backlash he got? Do you think Tifa dresses like a prostitute? Do you consider being a prostitute a bad thing? Tell us in the comments.

AgentYork 4 years ago
The shithead tried to score cheap points by acting disgusted that a woman would show some skin. This isn't worth talking about, let him burn.
Anon - VNT 4 years ago
Virtue-signalling cock-bites deserve all the flak they get.
Anon - Anon-Quis 4 years ago
Fuck this dumbass. It's a shame to lose Monty. He was the only true talent.
Mathiason 4 years ago
Don't think Miles should have described Tifa as a prostitute as that's a negative term for someone selling sex. While think Tifa dresses a bit provocatively and sexy, I don't think she dresses like a prostitute. Being a prostitute as a bad thing depends on circumstances. If enjoy work, supportive co. it's fine. If valued only for money bring in, tossed if sick or preg then very bad thing
Anon - Rasend0ri 4 years ago
Wait, people still like rWby?
Anon - red255 4 years ago
Haven't watched RWBY since they thru Vic under the bus. I treat him as dead to me, so his tweet does not exist.
Anon - asdf 4 years ago
Being a prostitute is actually inherently a bad thing, as it shows you lack self-worth. You can do it, I'm not saying otherwise, but it is not a good thing to be a prostitute; it is not virtuous to sell your body to others. Quite often it is something people are forced into because they have no other options, which is a tragedy.
Anon - shetni64 4 years ago
If you post bait, don't be surprised when someone bites.
Washi-Washi 4 years ago
To be fair, the remake had pretty bad pacing, but tifas clothing isnt anything overly slutty. Smph.
Anon - Get Off Her Tits 4 years ago
It was a joke. He wasn't saying the design was bad, or even that the character was bad. Dredging up Monty just because Miles said he found the character's clothes saucy is a bad look. And saying that Yang dresses skimpy as well so he doesn't have room to say that? Bitch, they mention that in the show itself.