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Was Your First Kiss Magical?
By WakeUpSnooze • 2 years ago

Tokyo Revengers has been a banger this entire season, driving me and Kinky nuts with its constant cliffhangers at the end of almost every episode. Not to mention the cute girlfriend Hina who is trying to wiggle her way into best girl status for the season (sorry girl but Vivy probably has you beat this time around). A few episodes ago our main character Takemitchi got his ass BEAT and smacked raw by Kiyomasa and his crew to the point where my man was tied up crying in the mud. Hina, being the real one that she is, found our boy and immediately started to try and make him feel better about himself as he was having a strong moment of self-doubt. During this Hina reassures him that he’s the most badass guy she knows cause he sticks up for others and acts like himself. They then share the most magical anime first kiss and the day is saved (or like it’s saved for 5 minutes, but you get the point).

Even the rain drops had to slow down for this one.

I’ve been pondering that scene for a hot minute and now all I can think is damn, that’s the most unrealistic first kiss I can imagine. I don’t know about you guys but at my high school behind the bleachers or under the stairs next to a couple of dead rats were really the main first kiss location options. Personally I wouldn’t know cause uh, obviously I had to protect my knighthood and not stoop to losing my kiss virginity in high school (kill me now). Regardless, considering how many times I saw other students in those areas and the general news from the rumour mill, those places sounded like the main events. Not exactly as magical or perfect as the movies. That part makes sense, since when does anime ever mimic real life? Still, some people do manage to end up following a sexual pathway that reads like a movie script, like fucking for the first time on prom night. 

This leads me to you guys. I want to know whether or not your first kiss was something awesome and whimsical like every love song ever makes it out to be, or whether you were trying not to think about the flies eating Richard The Rat’s dead body lying in the corner while you and your partner sneaked some action in between classes. And when I say whimsical I don’t mean it had to be like the best moment of your life as your girl kissed you after you miraculously took down a whole gang by yourself with nothing but your fists and a hard on. I mean maybe you finally learned to have confidence in yourself and BAM you were rewarded soon after like it was straight from a script. Or you spend all day hiking together and when you get to the top of Mt. Lovers, the sunset was so beautiful you couldn’t help but kiss each other right there on the peak. That’s the level of “magical” I’m talking about.

Okay well, that's going a bit far there Hina...

As you know I have nothing to chime in about my own experience… so I’ll just skip over that. What was your first kiss like? Are you watching Tokyo Revengers? Are first kiss moments like that ridiculously over the top, or are there plenty of awesome moments that occur similarly in real life? Sneak behind the stairs into the comments below!