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The Big Six
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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We all heard of the big three when it comes to manga, Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Well, doujin artist Sian, gave some love to the big three's best known waifus, waifus that I’m here to call The Big Six.

Maybe not the poster girls of their respectable series, but the girls that you always think about when you think about the big boobed women from each series. Tsunade, Boa Hancock, and Rangiku, are the mommy milkers of the shonen world. Every young kid couldn’t process that big boobs like they had could be possible, but our young, horny mind didn’t care. We just loved seeing big boobs.

But now that we’re older and our mind can process the galaxy size breasts that these women have. Who has the mommy milkers, to be all mommy milkers? If you could only choose one to milk, who would it be? As the resident MILF hunter/GILF hunter, I would have to go with grandma Tsunade. A GILF that still can look as hot as her, I would be stupid if I let a woman like her slip by. And yeah, I think technically Rangiku is the oldest since she’s dead, while also still being alive, so she kind of has been around longer than Tsunade, which would kind of make her older, but that’s just a loophole at that point. And Boa Hancock…well I never watch One Piece, so she’s already fucked because of that, BUT, that’s not me saying she’s not hot, she just isn’t hotter than Tsunade for me.

My queen.

Who do you think is the hottest female out of the Big Six? Do you think big tits are hot? Do you like Sian doujins? Tell us in the comments.

Oddest Ball 2 years ago
Give me Rangiku and get those other two out of here.
Eroforever 2 years ago
I'm a Bleach guy so Rangiku, but I won't deny Tsunade either.
Also, Rangiku's not the biggest in Bleach. Just the most popular.
MrObvious 2 years ago
Officially for this article Tsunade, personaly Apacci from Bleach with her perky puppies. I prefer more on the flat side as you know but I can appreciate the big ones for sure.
Anon - anon 2 years ago
This site seems to be obsessed with unrealistically sized boobs.
Anon - Calcium Chloride 2 years ago
I would say i would love to have all "6"
but if i were to choose one then i would either choose rangiku or boa
though I ain't gonna lie... out of all the 3, tsunade has the best doujins.. that honeypot princess series alone is a banger
wish they would make more doujins of boa and rangiku though
Anon - Fart Harder 2 years ago
Who has the mommy milkers to end all mommy milkers? That award goes to Tomo Yamanobe from Seikon no Qwaser, and if you haven't seen the show then shame on you. Go watch it and then cry about how it got dropped like 3 seasons in. It has girl nipples and orgasms.
Fan01 2 years ago
Ace12 2 years ago
Never watched One Piece. So Boa is out but the two finalists are so great the winner will be decided with a coin flip.
Anon - AfroLuffy 2 years ago
I mean you could swap out Hancock for basically any other female character in One Piece and get the same Titties...

I applaud One Piece for a lot of things, but the originality of their women are not one of them.
milflover19 2 years ago
I want all 3, but if I had to choose one it would be Tsunade. She is my first Waifu.