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Shadman Has Been Arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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I’m not sure how many of you keep up with Shadman, or even know who he is, but I’ve been following him for a while now and recently, he’s been posting some weird stuff on his Twitter. Been posting a lot of his old art work, and random tweets about life and just himself. Might not seem that weird to anyone reading this, but for someone who’s been following him for a while, it seemed out of character for him. Well, I guess my suspicions were correct, cause Shadman has recently been arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon. 

Well, you either liked Shadman or didn’t. He really didn’t affect me negatively. He drew loli, gore, and nazi shit that I didn’t vibe with, but I would just go to the good shit he drew like traps, Teen Titan porn, and fat ass thots.

You can't hate a guy who draw good Raven porn.

But now that Shadman has been charged with a felony and has a court case, I wonder how everything will turn out. Will his years of loli porn and nazi art come back to bite him? WIll he get off scot free and take a piss on Twitter? We might soon find out once his court case on the 15th hits.

Have you been keeping up with Shadman? Do you like or hate Shadman? Do you think his art will affect his court case? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Good. The dude drew porn of actual children.
---------------- 3 years ago
Meh. I was a fan of Shadman back in the old days, back before Shadbase (and the temporary spinoff site Shagbase), but he's been slipping for years. I kinda stopped really caring when he started putting all his focus on rimjobs, and have mostly just clicked back to the site to see if anything new has been posted out of some vain hope he might return to the old ways.

We'll see how well this goes.
Rasendori!!! 3 years ago
I'm a huge fan. There's something you gotta admire about a man who finds nothing sacred.
MrObvious 3 years ago
Haven't really followed Shadman myself lately but this is some crazy shit. We'll see how things turn out.
ZeOmega 3 years ago
He drew some of the sexiest RWBY porn in existence. However he never finished the work. Sucks he got arrested but why did he assault someone? Need more information on the incident itself.
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Too much futa, I don't keep up with Shadman.
Anon - Georges W Bush 3 years ago
I just love how we draws the curves of flesh
Anon - anon 3 years ago
I liked a lot of his stuff, loli, gore, and nazi shit doesn't bother me. The problem is all the meth he was on caused him to spiral in a way only addicts can. If he really tried to hurt someone I hope his victims get justice. Let's be real here though. No one here has any business judging someone else's taste in kinks.
Anon - DryOut 3 years ago
It’s more kinda sad. Cause from what I heard, Shad went to a dark place. Extremely lonely and was doing hard meth. And basically his life seem to be falling apart which lead to, well, this. For me Shad has been the example I use for “Don’t like the art, but it’s still art”. Well until he started making art based on real kids which that was a big no. But yeah sad to see him go this far gone.
Eroforever 3 years ago
Wasn't he the guy with the fixation on anal? And eating ass?