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RWBY: Reviewing Western Babes... Yummy?
By ImJustThatKinky • 7 years ago
•  18975  •   -1 9

 Yeah I know the title's a masterpiece, you don't have to tell me.

Before I can even get into this series, somebody has to say it. Where the hell are my doujins for these girls? The character designs are extremely well-done and appealing, and the community can’t stop shipping them for two fucking seconds, yet when I search “RWBY” on this website there’s legit one doujin. How’s a man supposed to pop off on limited resources? All that’s left are those weird nude dancing animations (You can bet your ass I still fapped though.)



"How's a girl supposed to pop off on limited resources?" - Ruby Rose

What is this shit? RWBY is a popular 3-D animated series by the American company Rooster Teeth that has grown an enormous fan base in both the West and Japan. The series was created by my animating daddy, Monty Oum, who previously released several high quality action animations. A popular series of his was Dead Fantasy, a collection of animations where characters from Dead or Alive and Final Fantasy would face-off in choreographed fights that were almost better than porn. Monty found a way to finally integrate his beautiful action sequences into a larger production with the birth of RWBY. Unfortunately before the debut of the series’s third volume, which was the spike in popularity for the show, Monty passed away. Sadly, he never got to see his child grow up. At this point RWBY has been shown in theatres across America, adapted into a manga by Shirow Mira, televised on Japanese TV through the use of a Japanese dub, and even included in the upcoming fighting game Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle for which I would consider murder in order to get early. Seriously, when the fuck is that game coming out?

Manga? We got those.



Games? We got those.

What’s this shit about? RWBY has a basic storyline, in the beginning at least, that can be summarized as “four hot babes with cool weapons fight stuff”. Each main girl in the RWBY series (Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang) attends Beacon Academy, a school designed to train students how to combat the creatures of Grimm. As you dive further into the series the plot and world are expanded, and the show scales this basic beginning to a grander goal. I can’t tell you how though, that’d be a spoiler. And spoilers are gay.

Why do people like this shit? Damn son, let me tell you. I loved RWBY the second the first trailer dropped on Rooster Teeth’s Youtube channel in 2012. The character, Ruby, captivated me with her model’s Little Red Riding Hood design, and the idea that her weapon was a scythe and a sniper rifle made my little teenage dick stand up straight. The trailer lasted three minutes and aimed to show off Monty’s ridiculous ability to add momentum into fight sequences. Three other trailers were released before the show’s debut, and all of them followed the same pattern: a important girl has a weapon with multiple functions and kills something(s). Every character and weapon design feels interesting, but pays homage to a classic fairytale. Every fight between two humans grows over-the-top, but keeps a small sense of physical realism thanks to Monty’s utilization of momentum. Okay enough about the fighting. An amazing soundtrack provided by Jeff Williams enhances moments of conflict and sorrow, the animation in later volumes is beautiful, the show starts to boast a large cast with varying relationships, the world building expands to make their world feel populated, and well… the fights.


Damn  my boy Wukong has gun-chucks now?? I knew Riot was holding out.




Why don’t people like this shit? Damn son, let me tell you. I love this show harder than yuri on a Sunday morning, but it has a fair list of problems. To start, the first volume runs on an extremely limited budget, and the animation alone serves as evidence for this. While the fight scenes remain clean and exhilarating, everything else is lacking. The voice acting is rough due to inexperience, the slow pacing makes it difficult to stay engaged, some episodes only last five minutes or less (heh same), the character development seems unrealistic, and the background environments look straight outta MS Paint. The show DOES improve on these aspects, but it really takes until Volume 3 to see them develop, and by that time you’ve already sat through 2+ hours. On the other hand, once you do climax at the glorious Volume 3, you continue to Volume 4. By this point, you can clearly see the effect of Oum’s passing: a sharp decrease in jaw-dropping action sequences. While Volume 4 does contain one very well-directed fight scene, this left many fans (and me) disappointed after the Volume 3 hype of almost one fight scene per episode. Not to mention the actual storytelling pacing also slowed as a result. Overall the show takes a long time to get going, and after it does, it slows back down again. 

Be careful who you call ugly in middle school.

I haven’t tried this shit before, why try it now? Because you need to know what waifus work well together for Cross Tag Battle, simple as that. But really, even for non-fighting game fans, this is a safe time in RWBY’s history. You’re much more prepared than we were. You know it starts off slow, that the pacing proves rough, that the budget was originally on a preschooler’s allowance, but that it does improve. Volume 5 debuted almost five weeks ago, and while the combat remains scarce compared to 3, the actual pacing of the storytelling seems much improved over the snail’s race of Volume 4. Hopefully this light at the end of the tunnel would, in theory, let you trudge through the first two volumes easier.


I’m glad you asked. Assuming we’re not talking about that tumblr fanfiction shit or creepy 3D videos (that still look crisper than Volume 1), I’m hoping that the future helps that department. I took some time to take peek at a few other websites to peruse the “doujins” there. I found some weird shit that definitely did not qualify as anything to fap to, let me tell you. I can’t focus on poppin’ off when main characters are bleeding out across multiple panels. However, hope is not lost friend. I’ll save you some time and state that if you need some RWBY doujin action, RWBY FWTA by AlertMode is the way to go. Even if you don’t normally go for futanari, we know that the RWBY doujin land is barren, and I’d argue you should still give this a shot. Speaking of futanari, if you want less character variety in order to get color, then RWBY: The Happy Accident may speak to you. I mean, Weiss summons a dick onto Ruby and fucks it, what more could you want? Yeah yeah “more than 12 panels dumbass” I know. If your motto is “less chicks, more dicks” then you may want to check out Ruby’s Workout Regimen by Jlullaby. Ruby gets fucked in it. A lot. That’s about it. But the art is near the higher end of quality, not to mention color! Together these three make up my holy trinity of RWBY porn so far.  




Are you watching/planning to pickup RWBY? Does it feel good that Japan is on the receiving end of hot girls this time? Do you ever fap to 3D animations? Let us know below.

Oddest Ball 7 years ago
Not to mention the fight scenes Monty did for RvB. Still, I find something disrespectful about doujins for this series.
Believer 7 years ago
RWBY is the Sierra Mist of anime, bland and a knockoff on something entirely better
RinSigua 7 years ago
hey, you forgot doujins. We got those too.
Spekter 7 years ago
That The Happy Accident sold me. I searched RWBY since July but that one is quite recent. Just make an account just to post this.
Anon - Canonseeker 5 years ago
They got good and bisexuality too.