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Komi Can't Communicate Announces Part Two, More Lewds Inbound?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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In a move that surprised practically nobody, it was announced a little before Christmas that Komi Can’t Communicate will be receiving a second part later in April 2022. Komi has been dominating the Internet since the show’s start last season and now it’s showing no signs of stopping. A short video was uploaded on the SHOPRO channel on December 22 to spread the information while keeping the style of the anime. I always love when they do shit like that. You can take a look below if you’d like to indulge in a little cuteness.

Now I’ve been enjoying Komi so it’s cool to see more content is on the way, but what I’m really happy about is that the porn value of this franchise just increased a shit ton. Artists often have to conform to what’s popular and trending if they want to reach a large audience so I was worried that this Komi porn train would start falling off as we move away from 2021 into January. However, an announcement like this will keep people in the know that “hey, we’re not done you fucks, we’re not irrelevant yet”. We’ve already seen a ton of lewd Komi art which I’m ecstatic about, but next I’m hoping between now and once the second season starts that we receive more content involving the side characters. There are currently a decent amount of doujins of just Komi and random guys or Komi and Tadano, but I need these other girls in the show to see some love. Yuri love, that is. The lifespan of the series has shot up so I’m crossing my fingers that the extra time will bear extra fruit. 

Regardless, even if I get cucked out of my yuri it’s always nice to see some anime get its time in the porn spotlight. Too often a series will have the most fuckable cast and yet see little to no lewd content. Here’s hoping that this season two will keep the horny spirit alive. Did you watch Komi Can’t Communicate? Are you excited for season two? Why did this anime get so much love in the sex department compared to others? Fight the nerves, write down your answer, and show it off in the comments below!

Hectotane 3 years ago
Here's hoping for more Komi and Tadano.

But, because of the current chaos going on with Rent-A-Bitch's Kazuya falling into a delusional, self-NTR mess when Chizuru apology-ran...

Welp... Time to put on Thanos's Infinity Glove again. Gonna need to do shit myself but I'm not into "KomiKan'tKomm" at all.
Anon - DryOut 3 years ago
More lewds of Komi, the better.

I’m here to make a point that nothing is sacred. No matter what they will be lewded.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
More show? Great. More lewds? Boo!
hin4 3 years ago
Do you have the sauce of the picture of your article? I think it's well draw, and i wanted to know the artist behind.
MrObvious 3 years ago
Sweet. Saw the last season and as I've said, the series has a very distinct charm to it.
Eroforever 3 years ago
I'm surprised I haven't seen an english dub yet. This and How to Keep a Mummy (Miira no Kaikata) are FUCKING ADORABLE!! So yes, I'm excited for season two.
As for the porn, I would say 'look at the characters, the hentai writes itself' but I've found either futa, NTR, or Tadano and Komi vanilla. Must be Internet Rule 43, the more beautiful and pure, the greater the need to CORRUPT IT.
Itasian 3 years ago
I just want part 2 for best girl manbagi to show and tadano's crossdressing.

Cause that is just asking for him to be pegged by komi and manbagi