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Kenshin Isn't So Goofy Anymore
By ImJustThatKinky • 8 months ago

How many of you guys are being bad boys and watching the remake of Rurouni Kenshin, even with the mangaka bad past? I know I am, and I’m enjoying it a great bit. It’s staying faithful to the manga, and progressing with a good paste. Well, I guess it’s not completely faithful, Kenshin's iconic goofy face has been cut out.

Well, I’m not sure if they're iconic, but they were in the anime and manga. A pretty small detail to take out, but a detail nonetheless. I wonder if this is a removal that hardcore Kenshin fans would be upset by, or is this a welcome change. As someone who’s new to Rurouni Kenshin, I have no problem with this change. It’s not like the show is completely void of any comedy, but it makes the story feel more grounded. Vinland Saga did the same thing with some of the scenes in the anime. Thorfinn's face was supposed to be way more beaten up in the manga, to the point of not understanding him, but the anime removed that.

The new direction the remake decided to go with feels like the right step, without taking anything major away from the source material. But I’m just a newcomer when it comes to Kenshin, so my opinion could be seen as weak.

Do you think removing Kenshin's goofy face hurt the series? Do you think people should be ashamed to watch Rurouni Kenshin because of the mangaka’s past? Are you watching the Rurouni Kenshin remake? Tell us in the comments.