Dear fellow pervert,
Since we launched our next site in late August, Loveabl.com has been growing rapidly, but we still need your help! Register an account, browse the site, upload some of your own content (if you're so inclined!) and then e-mail me with your thoughts and suggestions! Let me know what you love, what you hate, and what's broken, so we can keep iterating and improving and making a product you'll love for years.
Loveabl is still in alpha-build and has a long way to go, but we're going to make it into the largest porn-clip site on the internet, automatically figuring out and catering to your very specific fetishes and delivering you what you want before you even know you want it. We've already surpassed 150 unique posts on the site, and we're even pulling in a stunning 10 unique visitors a day! (Whoa lol)
Thanks again guys!