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Judge Doesn't Know What Rape Is?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 5 years ago
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People say that us anime fans that watch hentai or read doujins with rape in them are the scum of the earth. Listen, rape is fucked up, but we’re atleast smart enough to know that it’s wrong in real life and only view it in a fantasy setting. But this judge, who let a rapist off with a small penalty, doesn’t even know what rape is. This is his definition of rape:


He said β€œthe traditional case of rape” generally involved two or more males using a gun or weapon ro corner a victim into an abandoned house, shed or shack, β€œand just simply taking advantage of the person as well asbeating the person, threatening the person.”


So I guess all the doujins on this site that has one guy forcing himself onto a girl need the rape tag removed. When I see things like this it honestly scares me. We have this man who dictates whether we go to prison or not, not even knowing what rape is. He believes that if a guy is raping a girl in the privacy of his own home and not in a abandoned warehouse, then it’s not rape? Who made this guy a judge! With hentai logic like that, he’d make a perfect hentai villain.

Judge, I find you GUILTY!!! Of being a complete retard.


Do you agree with the judge’s definition of rape? Would you want to be judged by him? Do you enjoy rape doujin or hentai? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - anon 5 years ago
Dude, i'm a guy who is more then a little mentally unwell, and even before that, when i was a teenager, had trouble truly understanding things, ranging from social cues to morality. I even consider myself someone who doesn't deserve going to heaven thanks to the things I've thought and done. Yet even i can say that this judge is full of shit. Heck, my past self would think that.
tanakaba 5 years ago
"Women can't be rapists, they can just be overly enthusiastic lovers." - This judge, probably
Anon - Jk 5 years ago
And they call us freaks
Anon - The Fuck, Seriously 5 years ago
Well that's a very specific and detailed definition of rape. Pretty sure he should be laughed out of any courtroom he steps into now, cause that definition's so narrow it's basically useless. Hell, the first part of that about two or more men already has a definition: it's called gang-rape, a sub-type of rape that basically carries the same kind of charges because you're still raping someone.
Eroforever 5 years ago
That judge deserves to lose EVERY last bit of credibility and ability to act in a court of law. Rape is commonly considered to be the act of forced penetration without consent, which is why they say women can't rape men which is also bullshit. What he described is more accurately considered a mugging.
Now I want to rape his chest with a knife. Repeatedly. Because that level of stupid is just wrong
Anon - anon 5 years ago
... ... ... ... ... ... .... ....WHAT THE FUCK?
noneya123 5 years ago
Man, I'm an attorney and this makes me especially mad. Most people judge the legal profession based on what's seen on TV, and judges like this only reinforce that negative view.
Anon - anon 5 years ago
I guess if 2 women put a strapon and corner this judge its not rape then ;)
Rasendori!!! 5 years ago
TYT, uhg no thanks
GameJunkie999 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
I hope that Judge gets the Shit kicked out of him. Not Rape my ass. Any Sex that isn;t consensual and or forced is rape. Hope him and that little shit get whats coming to him.