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JLullaby Taken Off of Patreon
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 6 years ago
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Patreon is on their shit again, banning wholesome content creators. The person who has been hit by this ban as of recent is a NSFW artist who is known for their Ruby drawings, and their name is JLullaby. Here is their statement about the ban that they’ve posted on their Tumblr:

Didnt get the time to say this publicly yet, been busy ever since, but my Patreon got terminated unfortunately. Just wanted to say thanks to those who supported me for all these years. Not to sound like a whiny or cheesy person but you guys have changed a lot in my life and appreciate it a ton.

For some reason I wasn’t given an opportunity to send out a message to all patrons other than those who we’re linked in the Discord so i’m making a short blurb on it to those who’ve missed it. Got an opportunity to have another but I dont think I should be taking it.

I’ll consider in the future but if my works aren’t allowed even after all the creative changes i’ve made, It’ll go down the same road I believe due to anyone reporting or finding any excuse to terminate NSFW creators for simply just disliking them. Even with all the efforts to abide by their guidelines, all I received were automated messages and no real response, reason, or discussion.

Anyway, I’m not going to ramble on your guys ears or just constantly whine. Just wanted to say thanks for everything. It was awesome how much you guys changed and fixed up my life honestly. See you guys around

It’s always sad to see something like this happening, definitely when NSFW creators are some of the biggest supporters of Patreon. The thing that makes it even worse is that this could be the fault of random people who run across JLullaby’s content, and want to report them just on the bases that they don’t enjoy their content. No one is forcing you to donate or view their content, don’t ruin it for everyone else! As a fan of JLullaby’s work, all I can do is support him from the sidelines and keep an eye out for their next move, which you can also do by following their TUMBLR and TWITTERο»Ώ.

Patreon rules can be grosser than I smegma covered dick sometimes.

Do you think JLullaby deserved to get banned? Do you think Patreon is to stricted? What do you think will be JLullaby’s next move? Tell us in the comments below.

EtoKi 6 years ago
Well. This is awkward, since the entire reason why i'm even on Patreon is FOR NSFW content.
Anon - prophet 6 years ago
good i hate jlullaby his art work is garbage
Anon - King 5 years ago
A sad day this death beckons to the one responsible
I reaaaaalllly liked jlluaby supported him for years and *sigh* ain't no one like jlullaby
DesRed 6 years ago
Agreed with Anon-anon, Patreon needs to get off their fucking highhorse with all this nonsense Adult Content!
Lervicus 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
Someone just needs to make their own kickstarter'like site that doesn't discriminate already. A site that straight up doesn't care as long as it's within the realm of legality.
Anon - anon 6 years ago
this is why we need to become the competition. I would be great if you could interview their staff and get them some exposure
Anon - alyx 6 years ago
he draws non-con and dub-con all the fucking time which is quite literally one of only 3 or 4 rules about nsfw content on patreon, i only know this because of the content retconns currently hitting Trials in Tainted space (albeit for the incest rule not the non-con/dub-con)
Anon - anon 6 years ago
Patreon has clear guidlines on what can be posted on their website, JLullaby's content violated those rules, its his own fault.
blackwave 6 years ago
No! Come on Patreon. You ban off random artist and other people. It's not freedom if you ban adult stuff.
Anon - Book Club, Book of Sacrifice 5 years ago
Some of his content was "iffy," but I enjoyed most of them. Seeing others dislike is understandable, but I cannot see why you would want to ruin their place of income just because the art they dish out is "distasteful" to you.