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Is Killing A Shitty Person Right?
By ImJustThatKinky • 9 months ago

I’m not sure how many of you guys watched My Home Hero. I’m sure a lot of people were sleeping on the series, and that’s really sad honestly. Sure it doesn’t have high action animation like Demon Slayer, or is as popular as Vinland Saga, but hell if it isn’t a good series despite all those facts. It’s a very mature story, that isn’t just your typical anime protagonist yelling and trying to save their friends and family.

Okay, maybe there is a bit of yelling and family saving.

If you’re interested in My Home Hero, I’ll be spoiling the main plot of the series, so you’ve been warned. So, basically, the dad killed some shitty dude who was beating and abusing his daughter. The man became a threat, and the dad felt like he had no other choice but to kill him. Only to find out that the father of the piece of shit guy is in control of a huge crime organization, and is ready to kill the man who killed his son.

When he found out his son was dead, he was crying his fucking head off. Which I get, one of your family members is dead, but like, should I care? I don’t like that you’re sad, but your son was a piece of shit and had it coming to him. Maybe you should have raised him better.

God he got a killable face.

I did feel bad for the man for losing his son, but what else could you do? If your son is garbage or a murder, and one day karma just decide to do them in. You can’t be mad at karma, be mad at your son for not being a better person. If one of my friends killed someone and then that person's family came back to kill my friend. I wouldn’t get mad and want revenge. I would be sad that my friend was a piece of shit and was killed, but understand that the family had all right to hate and despise him.

So it’s always weird when I see these, like, trying to make a villain human moments. But I feel like My Home Hero did it right, just like everything else they’re doing right.

Do you feel bad for piece of shit characters? Do you think someone is justified in hating you if you hurt someone they love, even though the person they loved deserves it? Did you watch My Home Hero? Tell us in the comments.