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Is Bleach Opening 13 The Best Bleach Opening?
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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I know, weird article right? But I guess not as weird as most of the articles I write on here. I’ve always been a big fan of anime openings, they’re a way to get hype about an episode, or get a general idea of what the show will be about so you can make a judgment on if you want to watch it or not. I don’t know how many people love openings as much as I do, but openings are just another reason why I love watching anime, and get hype for another new anime to drop. With a new Bleach on the horizon, I had to remember one of the best openings ever, Bleach Opening 13.

Bleach Opening 13 is the best Bleach opening, if not one of the best openings of all time. I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite opening, but I can say it's one of my favorites. The music is good and fits what’s going on, the visuals are hype, you get a scene with a lot of the Bleach characters, build up to the pop off is great, it’s a solid opening all around with nothing really objectively bad about it. I feel like for me, the only Bleach opening that comes close to this one is Bleach Opening 7.

But, like I said, I love openings, and there’s other openings I love on the same level as Bleach Opening 13. But it’s just when I think of Bleach and its openings, opening 13 is the first thing that comes to mind.

What do you think of Bleach Opening 13? What’s your favorite Bleach opening? What’s some of your favorite openings? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Anon 2 years ago
Nah. Orange by asterisk is the song i hear when i think of bleach.
Chaos729 2 years ago
Maaan for me def Ichirin no Hana followed by Alones, Velonica, *~Asterisk~* and chAngE
camacaze199 2 years ago
Bleach Opening 7 is MILES better than 13. What the fuck are you on about?
Anon - anon 2 years ago
My fav bleach opening in Uverworld(...or is that the band; i always get the two confused). My fav opening in general? i have one for English and one for Japanese. For the former it's the original Shaman King's. The latter is Fena's.
Oddest Ball 2 years ago
Don't plan on watching the new one until it airs. I really can't choose a favorite since they're all really really good.
Void-Lord 2 years ago
Opening 13 is probably my second favorite opening of Bleach. But my first would always be the 3rd opening.
Rasendori!!! 2 years ago
Melody of Wild Dance feels like and end to an era.
Anon - Sasaki 2 years ago
Oreta awai tsubasa
Kimi wa sukoshi aosugiru
Sora ni tsukareta dake sa
Mou dareka no tame janakute
Jibun no tame ni waratte ii yo
Alones is the best
Anon - Hamm 2 years ago watched a vid with all openings. Harukaze still my fav, but Ranbu is a clost second. Ichirin no Hana also high up there.