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Hololive Vtubers Move Into Voice Acting in Games and Anime
By WakeUpSnooze • 2 years ago

In case you live under a rock (as I’m known to do regarding some topics), Vtubers are the new hotness in terms of anime culture. Their influence is growing daily and more and more idols are being thrown into the mix. At the forefront of the mix is Hololive, a group of female Vtubers who are dominating the charts both in terms of views and music. I’ve done some articles in the past talking about their rise in fame to the point of being featured in multiple anime cameos. Now today, I am once again covering some Vtuber news as they bubble up to the top. This time to explain a new target venture for them: professional voice acting roles. 

Recently it was announced that three Vtubers from Hololive will be voicing boss characters in the upcoming anime action shooting game, Little Witch Nobeta. A demo appears to be available on Steam if you’d like to check it out for yourself. The three Vtubers are Shirogane Noel, Omaru Polka, and Shirakami Fubuki who will be voicing the bosses Vanessa, Tania, and Monica respectively. Pictures are included below to match some names to the faces. What I find interesting is this is the first I’m seeing of professional voice acting coming from Hololive. Sure I’m not exactly a diehard expert fan so there’s certainly a chance I’ve just missed it, but this further serves to add to the legitimacy of Hololive and its members. But perhaps you’re thinking “but Snoozy my guy, who the FUCK cares about games? Even my grandma can get roles in those”. In that case, allow me to reveal that this is actually a two-in-one news article. We’re not done yet.

A few days ago a clip was posted where Subaru reveals she will be voicing a character in the upcoming Lupin the Third continuation. It seems she was even surprised herself as she didn’t anticipate the opportunity. In fact it’s unclear to me what exactly the role will entail or how big it will be either. Still, the point is that it’s happening at all even though Subaru wasn’t necessarily looking for it. You can listen to her full explanation in the clip below. This may mark the beginning of other Hololive Vtubers making their way into voice acting. It sure is crazy to me how a few years ago, the only Vtuber I knew was Kizuna Ai and she was merely playing games all day. I thought the whole Vtuber idea was a neat trick that wouldn’t blossom into much more and would be Kizuna’s special thing that nobody else would bother to emulate. Instead, it’s becoming a worldwide phenomenon with no signs of slowing down.

Okay, now I’m actually out of news for the day. Time to stop writing about Hololive happenings and go watch some Hololive clips. Did you guys anticipate Vtubers expanding to many different areas? Do you think Vtubers will continue to pick up roles in the future? Will Marine release some sexy lewd audio one day for the good of mankind? Audition for a Vtuber company and leave your comments below!