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Girl Rape is...Kinda Hot?
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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Now, before the dumbasses that don’t understand the difference between fantasy and reality leave a comment. Yes, rape is bad, we all know that. And yes, girls can rape guys. But today, we’re talking about doujins, so if you’re too dumb to understand the difference, I advise you to leave this article before you are triggered and watch some Dora the Explorer.

Do you know how to say dumbass in Spanish?

Now that the children are gone...I want to be raped by a girl...okay, maybe that wasn’t the best ice breaker for this article. The point is, I just got done reading a doujin call Betrayal, and let me say, for something about rape, it wasn’t that violent. The one getting raped in this doujin is the guy for a change. And you might be wondering, “The girl is hot as fuck. How could she possiblely rape him?” Well, how about forcing him to put a baby in her.

Now don’t feel too bad for the guy. The reason she’s doing this is because he molested her. I’m not sure if fucking him and forcing him to put a baby in you is the best form of revenge, maybe taking him to prison would be better, but hey, who the hell am I. Like with most fantasies, I wouldn’t want this to happen to me in real life, but damn if it isn’t hot in doujin. A girl furiously riding me, trying to force my cum deep inside her womb, while I try my hardest not to cum. It’s a risky game that gets the blood pumping. The idea of that is super hot, but in real life, I’ll be panicking like a little bitch.

The thought of someone forcing you to impregnate them is scary as hell, cause once that girl is pregnant, that baby is now yours, and I wouldn’t want to force her to abort it. In real life, this kind of predicament would be a tragedy. But luckily we’re talking about doujin, so it can stay hot and no one actually gets hurt in the end.

What do you think about girl raping the guy in doujins? Do you think force impregnation is hot? Would you rather a girl force you to impregnate her, or take you to jail? Tell us in the comments.

Anti-Naruto 4 years ago
Well in a fantasy setting, its hot.

In a reality setting, its not.
hmudyd25 4 years ago
consensual non consent is hot. theres my answer.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Pretty fucked up premise. I wouldn't put myself in such a twisted situation. I've seen some that do it quite convincingly, the dude is reluctant and cringing throughout while a sinister aura permeates the assault. Rape just isn't my thing either way both here and the real world(obviously).
Anon - anonttt 4 years ago
If the girl raping me looks like iiniku ushijima and doesn't want to do the "giving birth" part and just wants to make me hate sex by riding me beyond my endurance yeah I'd like that in real life.
Lervicus 4 years ago
Ok, i'll bite. We have ugly bastard forced but is there ugly bitch reverse rape?
I got ya'll covered, leave the hard questions to Lervicus.
Munchydragon 4 years ago
Depends on how realistic it is. If it’s with monsters and ahegao’s then he’ll yeah. If it’s portrayed realistically, than no. Also I’d take going to jail as I’d beat the girl’s ass before I let her force me to make a baby with her. Any piece of garbage who’d do that would be a horrible manipulative mother, and that plus the foster care system is a fate far to cruel for any child.
Anon - yep 4 years ago
dumbass if you want it it isn't rape anymore
sdss 4 years ago
Triple h is one of the best hentai I've seen.
That's my answer.
tanakaba 4 years ago
You know your editor is cool when you can lead a "Girl Rape is Hot" article with Dora the Explorer images.
Anon - Robert 4 years ago
One it is the topic known as reverse rape when a female does it to a male by force and two yes yes it is an extremely fucking hot subject