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Fuck With The Canon, And Get Fucked
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 months ago

Who doesn’t enjoy a good gender bend? It might not be apart of the canon, but sometimes you need to fuck up the canon, the same way Michelle O'Hara is going to make sure to fuck you senseless. When you fuck with the canon, you get fucked. Sounds like a win to me. So if you’re into girls making sure you cum deep inside them whether you want to or not, this audio by Beeswitch, will definitely tickle you in all the right spots.

Michelle O'Hara punishes you

You can purchase this audio on Gumroad. You can also check out their Patreon for more great waifu audios.


What did you think of the audio? Would you fuck female Michelle O'Hara? Is it okay to fuck with the canon? Tell us in the comments.