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Enjoy a Lewd Genshin Impact Audio
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

Genshin Impact blew up in the game scene, the gacha scene, and even the porn scene. Now with it being such a big thing, it is over expanding into other forms of pornographic material. We have lewd Genshin Impact art, doujins, and now AUDIO!!! This audio is for all the blowjob lovers out there. We’re also digging deeper into the Genshin Impact waifu barrel and enjoying Keqing this time around. She needs your help on a quest, and you being the horny adventurer that you are, you agree upon one condition. A blowjob. She accepted your ridiculous request, but you’re going to do it her way. Elise did a wonderful job with this audio and just makes me want to hear more Genshin Impact NSFW audio in the future.

If you want to listen to the full audio, you can check out LadyElise gumroad.

What did you think of the audio? Is Keqing a waifu for you? Would you like to hear more Genshin Impact audio? Tell us in the comments.