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Do You Read Christmas Doujins?
By WakeUpSnooze • 1 year ago

When it comes to the holidays, I can be quite the Scrooge. Not in the “bah humbug” holidays suck kind of fashion, but rather a “holidays are awesome and should be respected on their damn day” kind of Scrooge. For instance I think a “Christmas in July” entirely defeats the point and is basically saying “I added an extra birthday for myself this year”. Nah my man you’re just trying to cheat the system. Holidays are special because they only come once a year, or well 25 times a year for Christmas as each day of December has that Christmas cheer looming around. Still, my point is when it’s time to celebrate let’s do it, and when it’s not let’s put the decorations away. This extends even to Christmas-related media like music, shows, and of course doujins. 

To this day while I enjoy being in the festive spirit and making special plans, I don’t really bother to look for special Christmas doujin releases. In fact I thought few would even exist, however a quick search on the site reveals three pages worth of horny Christmas material. While I was surprised at the quantity of doujins available, I did have to admit to myself that I still probably wasn’t going to check any out. Why? Well, I’m a guy with specific fetishes and good yuri is hard enough to find on its own. Skimming through the Christmas search results I didn’t really see anything that immediately matched my usual fapping targets. I think that makes sense too, if you have a Christmas-themed doujin it’s already likely that the creator will be focusing on Christmas stuff like outfits and mistletoes to keep the doujin on brand, rather than catering to specific tags and reducing the target audience even further. In a way I suppose Christmas can be its own fetish and most authors won’t want to deter far from that. Completely understandable, but I’m afraid I’ll be sticking to my normal tags to keep myself warm and hard through the harsh winter nights.

Now my mind would change if THIS Genshin scenario got a doujin.

Outside of Christmas doujins not having the tags I’d like, my other main problem is that as aforementioned I’m a psycho who wants to be following the calendar. Even if I find an AMAZING Christmas doujin that fills my stocking, I would only allow myself to read it for the month of December. I know this because there are several Christmas songs that I’ve collected over the years that I only listen to when I see that big 12 show up on the calendar. This basically separates my findings into their own little sections, for example a dedicated Christmas playlist (whereas usually I just put everything I enjoy all together). With all that in mind I guess I don’t stand to gain much with Christmas doujins and hell I’m already lonely enough this time of year. I certainly don’t need to see a happy vanilla couple fucking by the fireplace. The jealousy would have me as green as the Grinch.

Me on my way to steal the girlfriends of Whoville.

Regardless of my psychotic need to schedule, I’m quite curious if others out there love to snuggle up and read some Christmas doujins each year or if you guys pretty much skip out on them too. Don’t worry even if you read them in July, I’ll only judge you a little bit. Do you check out Christmas or other holiday doujins? Why or why not? Have any plans for tomorrow? Drink some eggnog, throw on a blanket, and if you’re in America good luck surviving this harsh winter! A Merry Christmas to all and to all, a good night!