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Do You Like Internal Dialogue During Blowjob Scenes?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 4 years ago
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I feel like most people who read my articles might already know that I love dialogue in my doujins. You guys also should already know that I’m an ass man. But did you guys know that I’m also a blowjob aficionado? Well I am. And when you mix blowjob and dialogue together, you create a treat that makes more than my mind blow.

Now you might be thinking, β€œKinky? How do you add dialogue to a blowjob scene? Wouldn’t the girl's mouth be full?” Yes, in normal porn it would be full, and it’ll be difficult for her to talk. But in the world of doujins, anything is possible. Like hearing the girl talk during the blowjob scene. It’s called an internal thought.

"Huh, what did you say? Sorry, I can't understand you with your mouth full."

Now let me just preface this by saying that Fue is the master of blowjob scenes and would be one of my favorite artists out there. If you’ve read his series Fella Pure or Succubi’s Support, you’d already know that this statement is fact. So why do I say he would be one of my favorite artists out there? It’s because with his blowjob scenes, he put focus on what the guy is thinking, rather the girls. I’m a guy, so I don’t really care what the guy is thinking. I know it feels good, I don’t need a guy's second opinion to remind me.

Hot as fuck! But I would rather know what the girl is thinking, instead of the guy.

But now when a girl is sucking the dick and thinking about how it tastes, how it feels in her mouth, whether she’s hating it or loving it. Now that’s the kind of shit that turns me on. Knowing what a girl is thinking during that moment is just so hot to me. It lets you know what she really thinks about the situation. Something that she might not want you to know. And that’s what makes it so hot.

Now this is more like it.

It sucks, because even though I love blowjobs, it’s hard for me to enjoy blowjobs in real porn since it’s just the girl gagging and slobbering on a dick. But technology is advancing. Hopefully we can get some head gear soon that lets us hear what’s going though our partners mind.

Do you like blowjob scenes? Do you like reading internal dialogue in blowjob scenes? Do you think Fue is the best blowjob artist? Tell us in the comments.

VeryTired 4 years ago
It's better than external dialogue where they feel the need to narrate everything as if their partner is blind
Anon - red255 4 years ago
specifically blowjob scenes? they talk a lot during sex in a lot of doujins. and some of the things they tend to say are quite strange.
your dick are kissing my cervix, fuck my mouth pussy. Its best when they taunt their opponent I think.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Sometimes. It does give insight into the mind of the sucker per say. Be it scorn or praise the dialogue does dictate the tone of how things will turn out(though it's usually the obvious lol). At times it does get a bit annoying,especially if it's drawn out. FYI haven't heard of Fue but I'll be sure to check him out, thanks Kinky.
Anon - King Bitch 4 years ago
So someone creates an item that can project someone's thoughts, and you want to use it for porn?
exodusee7 4 years ago
Depends on the "plot" (silly I know) of the story.
Aclarie 4 years ago
I do not mind them. I have them when giving head or eating out.
Hectotane 4 years ago
I believe that oral sex should be enjoyed for what it is. It's not about having a conversation, it's about having an orgasm.

I also believe it's important to let your partner explode in your mouth; without having your head grabbed in order to achieve it.
Anon - Rengekiyo 4 years ago
It depends on the on the writing for me.
Anon - Medusa's lover 4 years ago
Thank you for all the free doujins :3
Anon - Medusa's lover 4 years ago
Instead of jnrernal dialouge just focus on the details of the fellatio like the warm breathe coming out of her mouth and the slight mouth movemenets and tongue usage. And if there is internal dialouge make her think about how slutty she wants to give te blowjob and make her head go blank at the moment of cumming. Also make a doujin about medusa's slith(pussy). Ill love you forever (free user here)