Kasaix: It’s time to get medieval. Renaissance Faires are held every so often that bring a romanticised version of the era to the present. Interests in bygone eras first hit the US in the 1950’s, and the first official Renfaire happened in 1966. It’s a tradition that continues to this day. For a short while, you can step out of your life, and live another. While we’ll be discussing just Renfaires, there’s all sorts of faires, more medieval, or high fantasy. Knights or dragons. Or knights and dragons. Honestly, you’re limited by your imagination on this one.
Discussing this moste mystickal of times is ye olde friend and companion, Renfairy. She works at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire in Columbus, NJ. The NJ Renfaire has its own interesting history, three guys who wanted to bring a bit of magic to their home.
RenFairy: As for NJ faire, what I know of it's history is that it was started by three men who used to work at Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire up in Lancaster. They live in NJ and decided to start a faire of their own using all of their knowledge and favorite training bits that they learned from PARF when they had worked there.
Next year will be the 10th year of the faire being open and running. They are planning something special, I don't know what yet though.
Kasaix: If anyone is worried about safety they got you covered. The truth will scare the living hell out of ne’er-do-wells.
RenFairy: So, at our fair we have normal security as our knights aren't really supposed to beat someone senseless with a sword for legal reasons
However, there is "In sooth" which means "In truth" as a coded way of the actors saying "No, something is actually happening" so as to stay in character but also stay safe or able to alert the proper people of a problem
The article I had shared I believe was about a woman being harassed, as sometimes happens, and going up to the guard (All of our weapons are real, just unsharpened for the most part so as to not accidentally harm someone, but they are real steel) to get help getting the guy to back off. They aren't SUPPOSED to actually harm a patron but can come off pretty intimidating to someone and can escort ill behaved patrons out of the faire with the help of security if necessary
Kasaix: So, o great RenFairy, what first drew your attention to renfaires, and made you want to actually take part in them? As well, how long have you been working the NJ renfaire?
RenFairy: I was first drawn to renfaires when I was in high school and attended my first faire in Pennsylvanian with the history club. I fell in love with the atmosphere, the shows, and the idea of getting to 'live another life' for a little while. I had immediately thought how great it would be to get to take part in these sorts of things. My history teacher at the time did reenactment and renfaire stuff as well, always telling us about how she created her own costumes and learned sword fighting. I admired her and wanted to be able to do these things too.
Fast forward to a six years ago, I found out that there was a faire in NJ and attended. It was much smaller than PARF but had a lot of the same charm. While speaking with a few of the actors, I found out that they held auditions, and my husband talked me into auditioning. (Not that it took a lot to talk me into it, since it was something I'd always wished that I could be a part of.)
I've been with the NJRF for 5 years now and will hopefully be a part of it next year as well. I'm also a member of Chaste Treasure, a singing group that tours other faires. We dress as noble women and sing dirty songs. I've been with them for 3 years and met them through working with NJRF.
Kasaix: Chaste Treasure. So, like the Bard himself, you talk in ye olde English, and use ye olde dirty words. That sounds amazing.
RenFairy: A part of the training for working for renfaires, beyond improve training and character development, is practice in accents and language. We actually have a cast member, who has become an assistant director, who has a degree in old English literature who helps us incorporate various words and phrases into our speech in order to sound as authentic as possible. Now, to speak actual old english is....something we don't do because most people wouldn't understand it. So we speak more integrated middle English and Shakespearean inspired phrases instead and we practice to make it a natural part of our speech so that we don't have to think about it and it just flows
Kasaix: That is awesome. Keeping things authentic sounds important. Do you create or purchase the outfits you use for renfaire?
RenFairy: So, as far as outfits, we do have a costumer who makes most of the outfits. Sadly, our original costumer retired two years ago. She was very insistent on making things as authentic as possible and making new outfits every season. The recent one only makes a few new outfits so a lot of us have pitched in to help make our own pieces and pieces for others. Sometimes we purchase what we can't make (Such as translucent fairy wings, which can be made, but are a lot of trouble to just throw together so sometimes buying is easier.)
So, a mixture of both? We try to make as much as we can between costumers and ourselves but occasionally be purchase bits and pieces from vendors that attend the faires we work at.
Kasaix: Renfaire people are definitely creative. I'd accidentally kill ten people just trying to sew something with a needle.
What is a typical renfaire event for you? What do you do there, and how is the general experience of the renfaire?
RenFairy: As far as performing?
Well, depending on whether I'm a cast member at NJRF or performing with Chaste Treasure, the performances can differ and it's hard to say that there is ever a typical day. But, to try and make it as general as possible: as a cast member my job, no matter my role, is to interact with patrons on the street and keep them entertained. I'm to remain in character all day and help make those attending the faire feel welcome, happy, and help them have as immersive an experience as possible.
I tend to play a fairy character at faire, as NJRF has a backstory about their town being on the edge of a fairy forest. I tend to play with children the most, blowing bubbles or sharing glitter and sometimes even giving them small gifts such as silk flowers.
I've also played a Burgundian Princess during our viking year. Street time was more limited for me as I was in a lot of the shows that we perform for our overarching story line. We tend to have opening, a human chess match, a joust, and a finale as our main cast shows.
We also do a 'Bloody Best' which is a Shakespeare show that was re-written into a condensed comedy with a lot of blood packs. So running from show to show becomes the norm for that rout.
While with Chaste Treasure, we tend to have three shows a day where we sing and perform comedy improve. When we aren't on stage we are normally on the street of whatever faire we perform at, interacting with patrons or just being pretty. We try to stay somewhat out of the way as we tend to wear really big dresses that have been known to block streets
Kasaix: That sounds so cool. Though I need more on a couple of things. First, there's a backstory to your faire? I need to hear more. Does it have an overarching storyline? There's viking years, which I definitely need to hear more about. Jousting sounds awesome.
RenFairy: So, the best way to answer the first question is with an excerpt from the website: Crossford is a village like any other in the English countryside in the 1500’s. Situated on the shores of beautiful Loch Liberty in the Duchy of Northumberland, Crossford is a shire that is a jewel in the cap of the noble Duke of Northumberland. Her fields are rich and her citizens filled with merriment and love of crown and country.
The story is mostly true. Most of the year, Crossford is truly like any good English town on any good English lake, but at those magical times of the year, the solstices and the equinox, the magic of the ancient woods that loom over Crossford come to life. Those fey woodlands are a link, a portal to different times and Crossford sits on ley lines that make her a destination for visitors out of time who come to Crossford to solve some dilemma in their lives.
Each year at the festival, the people of Crossford wait and see what figure out of myth and history arrives and help them find the way back on their paths.
That's found here: http://www.njrenfaire.com/aboutus.html#story
The overarching storyline is, in short, the faire is magic due to the fairy forest. Every year, someone from some point in time arrives at the crossroads of our town, Crossford. They usually have an issue that needs resolved. We've had robin hood, the three musketeers, blackbeard the pirate, and more. Each year someone shows up and the town helps them figure out which path in their life they should take.
During the Viking years we had the arrival of Brunhilda, her father King Budhli, and his Vikings seeking his daughter's hand in marriage. My brother, Prince Gunther, wanted to Marry Brunhilda but she didn't want to marry anyone. So there was a huge fight as to who would marry her, where she fought for her own hand, and eventually ended up falling in love with an english Knight called Sir Siggard.
Kasaix: That is so cool! All of that! I would love to get in on that! Unfortunately that requires more travel than I could reasonably do.
What is your favorite thing about renfaire? Or things, since there's tons to like.
RenFairy: My favorite thing would have to be getting to act silly and make people smile. I mean, I love getting to do the stage combat, the bloody best show is awesome; but over all just getting to dress in costume and watch the smiles and laughs of the guests while performing is the best part over all and sort of encompasses getting to do all of the things.
Kasaix: Stage combat sounds nice. So you know how to use a real steel weapon? I might really need to get in on this. I want to be a Highlander.
RenFairy: I am trained in Broadsword, Rapier, Ax, Quarterstaff, Halberd, Longsword, Knife, Unarmed, and a little bit of Sword and Shield. I'm not officially certified as I haven't had the time or money to keep up with cert classes, however; I maintain practicing general techniques such as casting (directing the energy of your attacks past your partner) and targeting (certain places you are supposed to aim to maintain a realistic illusion of harm while maintaining safety for your and your partner)
The faire itself also offers beginner and refresher classes for various weapons depending on the theme of the season
Kasaix: Wow. All of this makes it seem like you really do enter another time, if not another world. That's actually impressive. Why the hell don't they do TV shows about renfaires? Or any faires of any genres? This clearly isn't something thrown together over a weekend to make a quick buck.
RenFairy: Haha no idea? I think it would be cool if they did.
Yeah, it takes months of rehearsal time in all weather conditions
For our small fair, we normally start rehearsals in March and practice every Sunday until the last weekend of May when faire opens, no matter the weather. The main cast also practice the entire week and a half before opening, every day, for 8 - 10 hours a day
Kasaix: Wow. Just...wow. The dedication is real, and I respect you fine people.
What advice would you give to people considering attending renfaire? Get a cool costume, hide your present-day tech if you can, look into what food and other stuff is on sale, etc.
RenFairy: For attending? I guess, go with an open mind, volunteer for shows that ask for volunteers, and just let yourself be immersed in the environment and you'll find yourself having more fun than you expected
You don't need to get dressed up, but there is absolutely no harm in doing so. The most important thing is just being receptive to the fun all around you
Kasaix: That's sound advice even outside renfaire, bring receptive to the fun all around you. Sage words from the RenFairy.
Let's wrap this up so you can return to your magickal trees. Have ye any parting words for our travelers?
RenFairy: Lol. Thanks. One of the things we talk about during faire rehearsals is being positive. Improve is all about "Yes, and-" whereas the rest of the world is full of "No, but-" We like to create a world where most things are possible. (Of course, within reason; as we won’t tolerate harassment or actual violence towards others.) But we try to teach, and incorporate, being open minded and being able to "yes, and" in real life as well as at faire. If you can take anything away from the renfaire scene I guess it would be this: don't be afraid to have fun, to do things that aren't considered 'normal' by society, and as long as you aren't harming others, do what makes you happy and accept that others are free to do the same. Learn about other people, be empathetic and understanding, smile at people and say hello, help strangers when they need help, and face every situation with a "Yes, and- " attitude as it will open up new doors you never thought possible.
Kasaix: Real words to live by. Thanks for hanging out and imparting some insight, o great and wise RenFairy.
RenFairy: Np :3 Hope some of that was helpful haha