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Fucking a Stuck Fluttershy
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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Now I’ll be honest, I've never been a fan of My Little Pony. I’m a boy after all, I’m not into girly things. But I never said that I wasn’t into My Little Pony porn. Me not being into My Little Pony didn’t stop me from enjoying this sexy audio about Fluttershy getting stucked and fucked. That’s a scenario that any guy can get behind, even if it’s based on My Little Pony, and Wubcake made sure of that with her wonderful and sexy performance, to her sloopy sex sounds. Any man who watched hentai knows that the only way to help a girl out of a stuck in a wall situation is to fuck them in the ass until their loose. Loose from being stuck, not in the ass.


You can purchase this audio over on Gumroad.

What did you think of the audio? Would you fuck a stuck Fluttershy? Are you into My Little Pony porn? Tell us in the comment.

VeryTired 3 years ago
I'd wager MLP has more porn of it than any other series or show in existence. Atm Derpibooru has over 370k explicit images and their websites that host pony content are better designed than anything else out there. And a lot of their porn is freaking good to. Crazy times.
Anon - Xander T 3 years ago
Oooh, Kaikoinu! Surprised to see their art here, but it does fit the bill.
tanakaba 3 years ago
Reminds me of my first hentai game, a flash game on NewGrounds. I think it was called Window Girl.