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Could You Kiss A Girl With No Body?
By ImJustThatKinky • 9 months ago

I might as well kiss a girl that doesn’t have a body. It’s better than what I’m going through right now. But, the reason I came to this idea and thought process, is because I just recently got done with the first episode of Undead Girl Murder Farce

Which made a really good first impression on me, with the animation, directing, and characters. It’s a very weird and unique series, one that I can easily see going under people's radar, definitely with Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 airing this season. The plot is also interesting, a man, who’s half human half oni, has to help a girl with no head find her body or kill her, in exchange, she’ll extend his lifespan, since being a human half oni is slowly killing him. So in order to expand his lifespan, he will need to consume a part of her. Sound familiar?

But in this instant, it’s her saliva. Luckily it was All Might's hair, and not him and Deku tonguing each other.

So they kiss, and now he supposedly can live longer. And now they’re on a journey to get her body back. So yeah, a weird series, with weird characters. But, back to the main topic. Would I be able to kiss a woman with no body? Yeah…I’m pretty sure I can. But the thing is, anime is weird. She looks super cute and attractive even without a body in anime form. But seeing that shit in real life might fuck with my head (hehehe, get it) and creep me out. I might be too scared out of my mind to even kiss her. If I can get over the initial fear of the whole situation of her having no body, then yeah, I think I can do it. But that’s a huge hurdle for a scary cat like me to climb, so I’d rather kiss her stoic and equally as hot maid. 

Girls with their whole body's. My type.

Would you kiss a girl with no body? Would you rather eat someone's hair, and get their saliva in your mouth? Are you watching Undead Girl Murder Farce? Tell us in the comments.