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Could You Date a Girl With Three Tits?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

There are many different girls in many different shapes and sizes. In the real world, there’s a lot of different things that can change about a female's appearance. But in the fantasy world, there’s even more possibilities. Instead of the usually black and white skin color, you may get a girl with green skin, maybe even scaly skin. And instead of a girl with just two tits, she might add on a third one just for good measure.

Yep. We’re here to talk about dating a girl with three tits. Now, in the real world, I feel like this is an easy no for people. I understand we shouldn’t judge people, but three tits would just be so weird. It would be hard, at least for me, to not be freaked out by it. But in the fantasy world, where it’s more of a common occurrence, I feel like I can easily wrap my head around it. The fantasy world is going to have women with one eye, cat ears, lizard tails, and other weird body parts, so an extra tit is nothing. In a fantasy world, I would totally be okay with a girl with a third tittie. Definitely if she has a cute face.

So the verdict is in real life, three tits would be a no for me, but if I was transported into the fantasy world, the more the merrier. The fantasy world will give you a chance to enjoy the spice of life. So many new and different types of women to try out. It would be a shame to waste that opportunity. 

Would you be freaked out by a girl with three tits? Could you date a girl with three tits in the real world? Would you date a girl with three tits in the fantasy world? Tell us in the comments.